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Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

San Bernardino County Local Races

There should be plenty of excitement in San Bernardino County this November. Here’s a quick overview.

Rancho Cucamonga: The largest city in the more affluent West End will elect a mayor to serve a four-year term. Voters will choose between incumbent Republican Mayor Bill Alexander, a retired fire captain, and challenger Donald Kurth M.D., also a Republican and a former city councilmember. This race may turn heated, as Alexander and Kurth weren’t exactly allies when they served together. And speaking of Rancho Cucamonga’s city council, there are eight candidates vying for two seats. Incumbents Diane Williams and Rex Gutierrez (both Republicans) are being challenged by six hopefuls. This contest is shaping up to be a battle between the two incumbents and Dieter Dammeier (Dem), a former police officer and judge pro-tem who has the backing of Mayor Alexander (GOP)and City Councilmember Sam Spagnolo (GOP). Williams, Gutierrez and Dammeier lead the money race so far.

The High Desert: Here in the home base of popular Board of Supervisors Chairman and leading candidate for County Assessor… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Sine Die

We’re in the homestretch of making top quality legislation for this 2 year session. Much scurrying about with last minute gut-and-amends, rule waivers being sought, bills with no committee hearings…a very perilous time for any topic you may be interested in that is still in play legislatively. It seems that no bill is dead, even when pronounced so by Big 4 folks because it changes the next day and is back on the table. With all the negotiations going on in the back rooms on various topics, we need everyone to stay on top of this legislature to not give away the store on some really bad ideas at the minute before midnight,and then run for cover in our respective districts until January. Indeed, as bad as the wheeling and dealing appears on some very critical issues,when the Legislature adjourns this Thursday 12AM, sine die, or "without day", the constitutional term for "GO HOME", it will be a good thing for freedom loving Californians.… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

A School for the Pats of the World

Check out this SF Chronicle article on Park Day School, a private school here in Oakland. They are changing school procedures to cater more to “gender-fluid” kids. These are kids who want to act and/or dress as if they were the opposite sex. After hiring a consultant to help them cater to these children’s needs, Park Day is not asking the kids to line up in boys and girls lines anymore, they allow kids to play either gender in class skits and they have a unisex bathroom.

Educators, counselors and some parents point to society as the reason that these children feel that they are abnormal. The… Read More

Jon Fleischman

2006 Golden Trash Can Award: An Orange County Scandal

**Update 9:40am — I received a voicemail from Senator Tom Harmon’s District Director who informed me that the Senator is not a co-author of the bill, and does NOT support it. So my earlier intel was not correct, and I want to get this out there. Maybe someone out there can send me an official list of legislators authoring/co-authoring AB 523 and we can get that information out there, too.

THE 2006 LEGISLATIVE GOLDEN TRASHCAN AWARD GOES TO… The final days of the 2006 legislative session are upon us, with hundreds of pieces of questionable legislation being negotiated and bartered about as the days turn to hours before no more bills can be passed on to the Governor. This year, the FlashReport is awarding its Golden TrashCan Award to Assembly Bill 523, that would change California State Law to allowRead More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

Luce and Hunter will not be forgotten…. The GOP, the San Diego Community and the nation lost two Republican icons this past week with the deaths of Gordon Luce on Monday and R.O. Hunter yesterday.

A civic powerhouse, bank executive Luce served as a cabinet member in Governor Ronald Reagan’s administration and as State Party Chairman in 1974. He headed Great American Bank for 21 years, instrumental in the growth and development of San Diego.

Mr. Hunter in recent years was known by many as Congressman Duncan Hunter’s father.Yet, it was the elder Hunter that once "retired" to give a year of his life free-of-charge to the national GOP, assisting in the developmentofprecinct and outreach programs. A WWII Marine veteran, he was also regarded as the mastermind behind son Duncan’s 1980 upset defeat of Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin in what was regarded a safe Democratic seat.

My deep regrets are extended to the Luce and Hunter… Read More

Video Of Fleischman Taking Part In Launch Of Lefty Website

I apologize. I’m just fascinated by the California Majority Report. Check out video of the press conference that launched the CMR on YouTube here.

The CMR even gets some grief for featuring Jon (a Jewish Republican) instead of a Democrat of ethnic descent. Jason Kinney responds by comparing the diversity of the CMR to the FR, specifically using Roger Salazar as an example.

Hey, Mr. Kinney! What am I? Chopped liver?

Not that I make my whole world about it, but I’m just as much of a Latino as Mr. Salazar.… Read More

Mike Spence

Shameless Plugs

Mike Sprague the able political writer for the Whittier Daily News and San Gabriel Valley Tribune pens his Saturday political column. The column is important beacuse it mentions me and the infamous Bill Leonard moment at the CRP Convention and FR’s Winners and Losers column. See here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: 2006 Golden Trash Can Award: An Orange County Scandal

THE 2006 LEGISLATIVE GOLDEN TRASHCAN AWARD GOES TO… The final days of the 2006 legislative session are upon us, with hundreds of pieces of questionable legislation being negotiated and bartered about as the days turn to hours before no more bills can be passed on to the Governor. This year, the FlashReport is awarding its Golden TrashCan Award to Assembly Bill 523, that would change California State Law to allow the scheme of a former Orange County Congressman to come true — subsidizing a public television station with a de facto gift of millions of dollars – at the expense many thousands of Community College students…