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Jon Fleischman

Bill To Reimburse Counties Passes Senate

AB 1634 (McCarthy) that I wrote about yesterday (it’s the legislation that would reimburse counties for their costs incurred in last year’s special election) passed out of the Senate! Now it goes over to the Assembly where hopefully, in between passing onerous regulations on every facet of California business, the Democrats over there will schedule it for a vote and pass it!… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Other dumb bill results

AB 2948, The Democrats "We’re StillApoplectic ThatGeorge W. Bush Won in 2000" bill passed 48-30.It wouldfurther shift Electoral College power away from what those "pesky" Founders thought would be fair to small states and rural areas, in presidential elections. This proposal even more so marginalizes places like theNorth State and boils the campaign down to the 11 most populated states having the number of Electors to decide the presidential election under this bizarre coalition. What if the 11 biggest states are all "blue" ones?

The bill, SB 1578, requiring dog owners to not tetherdogs for more than 3 hours at a time [the subject of numerous calls from farmers, ranchers, people with dogs and without huge yards] was stopped temporarily 40-33, with reconsideration today.

A bill [SB 927]to tax $30, every container that goes in and out of Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach scraped by 42-35, putting California exports at a further disadvantage and raising the costs of all the imported stuff to consumers.

A "locomotive air impact mitigation fee",SB 459, for the South Coast was… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

The Gov’s Magic 8-Ball Philosophy

Medical science has given us the body scan — a technology that enables us to scan an individual’s body and detect the presence or absence of diseases.

Political science needs to produce a political body scan — a technology that would enable us to scan a politician’s body and detect the presence or absence of principles. I recommend Gov. Schwarzenegger as the first test subject, because I am reluctantly coming to the belief he lacks any defining, determining set of political principles.

A politician’s party affiliation is generally a pretty good (but not perfect) indicator of his or her stance on an issue. However, If one is trying to figure out whether the Governor will oppose or support a policy, a Magic 8-Ball is probably as reliable an indicator as his political affiliation.

Case in point:… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A picture is worth a thousand words…

Why are these women protesting John Garamendi? Stories are here, here and here.… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Say hello to my nuclear friend

The future the California economy will be in limbo for decades should AB 32 be signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger. The effort to save us from global warming (an unfortunate name that conveys images of the holidays and family sitting around a ‘warm’ toasty fireplace) the Democratic-led legislature and Democratic-led Governor’s office will seriously damage California’s chance to be competitive in the global economy.

The goal: reduce green-house gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020

Today’s LA Times article gives some good background of the bill. Often quoted Claremont McKenna College government professor Jack Pitney claims that Schwarzenegger has effectively taken yet another issue away from Angelides with this move. No argument there from me. But at what cost? Think about how many voters have held their nose and supported this Republican Governor solely because he has worked to make CA more hospitable to jobs. They not only have a diminished reason to do so now, but more to the point, they may not… Read More

Say hello to my nuclear friend

The future the California economy will be in limbo for decades should AB 32 be signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger. The effort to save us from global warming (an unfortunate name that conveys images of the holidays and family sitting around a ‘warm’ toasty fireplace) the Democratic-led legislature and Democratic-led Governor’s office will seriously damage California’s chance to be competitive in the global economy.

The goal: reduce green-house gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020

Today’s LA Times article gives some good background of the bill. Often quoted Claremont McKenna College government professor Jack Pitney claims that Schwarzenegger has effectively taken yet another issue away from Angelides with this move. No argument there from me. But at what cost? Think about how many voters have held their nose and supported this Republican Governor solely because he has worked to make CA more hospitable to jobs. They not only have a diminished reason to do so now, but more to the point, they may not… Read More


Blaise Hazelwood and the folks at Grassroots Targeting sent out a pretty cool demo for their new on-line micro-targetingapplication. I’ve never used it, but their demo is very cool and might help folks unfamiliar with the concept to understand it a little better.

You can watch it here.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Anti-Cow Bill, AB 32, Coming Over From Senate

Senate passes greenhouse gas global warming bill, 23-14, all Republicans present voting NO…coming our way.… Read More