The Latest on AB 523 – The KOCE “Golden Trash Can” Bill
Well, the first thing I can say is that I am proud of our Senate Republicans — though AB 523 did pass out of the State Senate last night, it was not an easy process for this ‘kidney stone’ to pass out of that body. In the end, bill proponents were playing musical chairs trying to find someone to even be the ‘floor jockey’ on the legislation — but in the late hours of last night, the bill passed on a party line vote — with 21 Democrats voting yes, and even four Democrats declined to vote for the bill. A special ‘shout out’ to Orange County State Senate Republicans Dick Ackerman, Tom Harman, Bob Margett and Bill Morrow, none of who cast an aye vote for this ‘gifting of public funds’ for a television station.
So, now the question is what will happen to this bad bill as it comes up in the State Assembly today?
I have now had a chance to review the Assembly Republican Caucus analysis on the bill – and it is even more direct than that prepared by their State Senate counterparts. It is attached for your review, but I think the "Fiscal Impact" section of it speaks volumes: … Read More