CMR’s Uribe Had A Date With A Perfect Guy, The Governor
Cristina Uribe, a "reporter" for the California Majority Report, that "Democratic consultant insiders" website with which Kos has problems, posted this today on their website. Here arethree paragraphs:
So, back to the issue of our mojo…it has everything to do with California politics, because despite the end of season bill signing-victory laps-high five-ing (see poll at right) that seems to have engulfed Sacramento (and this blog) lately, it all still feels a little uninspired. It feels choreographed. Yes, meaningful legislation finally got passed and we hope that it lives up to its hype, but for some reason it seems to be missing … soul.
When the Governor’s ratings go up, but a Democratic-controlled legislature sits at 27% job approval ratings–then we should be concerned. As practioners, hacks, operatives (insert pejorative term here),… Read More