Back-to-School — Today I Understand
If you don’t subscribe to Rich Galen’s "Mullings" newsletter, you should — its free and comes twice a week. He’s savvy and witty and does an excellent job digesting major national issues into a common sense 2 minute read. I’ve never met Rich, but was referred to his newsletter almost 5 years ago by a close friend and I read it religiously every time it pops into my in box.
I’ve always remembered reading his "Back-to-School" essay in 2001 — it’s a slight divergence from his normal commentary on politics (but ties in with current events). It’s an emotional piece that those of us with kids can relate to easily.
After dropping my oldest daughter off for her first day of kindergarten, I came back to the office and re-read his essay (lets just say, today I UNDERSTAND).… Read More