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Say hello to my nuclear friend

The future the California economy will be in limbo for decades should AB 32 be signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger. The effort to save us from global warming (an unfortunate name that conveys images of the holidays and family sitting around a ‘warm’ toasty fireplace) the Democratic-led legislature and Democratic-led Governor’s office will seriously damage California’s chance to be competitive in the global economy.

The goal: reduce green-house gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020

Today’s LA Times article gives some good background of the bill. Often quoted Claremont McKenna College government professor Jack Pitney claims that Schwarzenegger has effectively taken yet another issue away from Angelides with this move. No argument there from me. But at what cost? Think about how many voters have held their nose and supported this Republican Governor solely because he has worked to make CA more hospitable to jobs. They not only have a diminished reason to do so now, but more to the point, they may not… Read More


Blaise Hazelwood and the folks at Grassroots Targeting sent out a pretty cool demo for their new on-line micro-targetingapplication. I’ve never used it, but their demo is very cool and might help folks unfamiliar with the concept to understand it a little better.

You can watch it here.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Anti-Cow Bill, AB 32, Coming Over From Senate

Senate passes greenhouse gas global warming bill, 23-14, all Republicans present voting NO…coming our way.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

What’s worse? When Arnold is liberal? Or when he exhibits hubris?

Hubris is defined as "Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance."

That is what came to my mind as I saw this press release come over the transom from the Governor’s office:

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger issued the following statement after the Assembly approved AB 2911 by Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez and Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata: "This plan is just what the doctor ordered for millions of low-income Californians who pay the most for their prescription drugs but can least afford them. With prescription drug costs contributing to more than 8 percent of health care inflation, this isRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Update: Absurd Bullet Bill fails for now

Bill fails 39-37, can be reconsidered tomorrow.

AB 352, the bill to require that ammo cartridges have an ID stamp on them so they can supposedly be traced back to the gun owner in a crime scene, is on the floor, amidst a hot debate. It passed the Senate 22-18 previously withall Republicans voting no.Assembly votes sit at 37-29 in favor, on call.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

KOCE bill is a hot potato in the Senate

Since awarding the Golden Trash Can Award to the KOCE bill that allows the de facto public subsidy of millions to the Foundation that wants to buy the TV station, we’ve been following the bill.

Today is the third day that this bill has been languishing on the Senate Floor. Early reports were that Senator Tom Harman had agreed to be the floor jockey for the bill, but then dropped it like a hot potato, leaving its author, Assemblywoman Carol Liu of Los Angeles, without anyone to bring it up for a vote. Then we heard that another Los Angeles County Democrat, State Senator Alan Lowenthal agreed to “jockey” the bill. But the ‘stink’ associated with this bad bill was too much even for him, and he dropped out as jockey. Now the latest is that the bill supporters had to go all the way to the Bay Area to find a new ‘jockey’ – State Senator Tom Torlackson. We’ll see if he holds on to the stinky hot potato, or not.

Perhaps they should keep looking for support even further to the north – perhaps just bilking Oregon taxpayers instead of ones here in the Golden State..… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

“Voluntary” Drug Price Controls Bill Passes

AB 2911, the bill forcing drug companies to offer voluntary discount drug pricing is up on our floor. It had passed out of the Senate, party line, 25-12 previously. "Republican Ally" Al Sharpton even opposes this legislation as it would hurt the poor as well as suppressing new drug research. It costs hundreds of millions to bring new drugs to market, especially considering the ‘dry wells’ that don’t work out after much research costs.

It’s funny [not funny] to hear how the drug companies have 3 years to comply with this "voluntary" mandate. The first tally is 42-28 on a party line vote.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AB 1634 – Senator Perata, let this bill go, and reimburse the counties!

As this year’s election year legislative session comes to a close yet another good government bill has been left stranded in Sacramento. The Senate Appropriations Committee currently holds AB 1634, authored by Assemblyman Kevin McCarthy with strong support from Secretary of State Bruce McPherson (pictured below), in suspense.

AB 1634 would fully reimburse county governments for the costs they incurred during last year’s Special Election with no impact on current or future budgets – as the money has already been set aside. When the Special Election was called, Secretary McPherson recommended that the proclamation include language to reimburse the counties for their costs. California has held a large number of elections in the last 5 years and county governments are feeling the squeeze.

If this bill does not pass, some counties are going to have to make cuts to important services such as law enforcement, health services and infrastructure… Read More