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Duane Dichiara

City of San Diego – By the Numbers (And a Little Karl Marx)

Datamar Inc. released a survey of San Diego City this morning that should put to rest a few questions. I’ve been pretty hard on the accuracy of Datamar in the past (they use an automated system), but the last few polls I’ve seen have started matching more traditional surveys. This poll in particular hits the truth pretty squarely between the eyes.

Point 1: Reformers who are seen as willing to buck the system are popular. Republican Mayor Sanders, in his calm and re-assuring way, Democrat City Attorney Mike Aguirre, in his shrill and disquieting way, and Democrat Donna Frye, in her off-the-cuff but probably honest way are all popular for the same reason. All are willing to stand up against what voters view as a corrupt, self-serving city establishment that includes the ring of politicians, civil servants, union bosses, and other special interests that got the city in this mess to start with. The Mayor’s positives are 79.1%, the City Attorney is at 63.8%, the Councilwoman 54.8% (Frye’s question was a bit different and probably led to a lower number). Note to politicians or aspiring politicians: the are periods of time when it’s good to be… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Giuliani stumps for CA conservatives – McClintock makes calls – More…

GIULIANI CAMPAIGNS FOR CONSERVATIVES When Steve Schmidt, campaign manager for Arnold Schwarzenegger, says he is going to help the down-ticket GOP candidates, he doesn’t mess around. He picked up the phone and called his good buddy, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Fast forward a few weeks later at Schmidt has Giuliani out here in the Golden State, not campaigning for Arnold Schwarzenegger, but rather headlining a major Orange County fundraiser for three of the GOP’s statewide candidates, Tom McClintock, Chuck Poochigian and Tony Strickland (is it any coincidence that the ersatz Presidential candidate happens to be helping out the three most conservative candidates on the ticket?). Above to the right, Strickland greets Giuliani while Tom McClintock looks on. The event was held at the post Center Club located within the Orange County… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani stumps for CA conservatives – McClintock makes calls – More…

GIULIANI CAMPAIGNS FOR CONSERVATIVES When Steve Schmidt, campaign manager for Arnold Schwarzenegger, says he is going to help the down-ticket GOP candidates, he doesn’t mess around. He picked up the phone and called his good buddy, former New York Mayor Rudy Giulini. Fast forward a few weeks later at Schmidt has Giuliani out here in the Golden State, not campaigning for Arnold Schwarzenegger, but rather headlining a major Orange County fundraiser for three of the GOP’s statewide candidates, Tom McClintock, Chuck Poochigian and Tony Strickland (is it any coincidence that the ersatz Presidential candidate happens to be helping out the three most conservative candidates on the ticket?). Above to the right, Strickland greets Giuliani while Tom McClintock looks on. The event was held at the post Center Club located within the Orange County… Read More

Table for two OUTSIDE please.

And the Garden Grove City Council said let there be daylight…and there was daylight. And the Garden Grove City Council said let there be stars in the sky…and there were stars in the sky.

It might sound a bit odd to think that until last week it was illegal to have a bowl of Kim-chi while gazing at the passing cars or twirl a fork full of spaghetti marinara under the stars above, but somehow it has taken this long for the wise city council members in Garden Grove to allow outdoor dining.

Free at last, free at last, thank Janet Nguyen, we are free at last.

Garden Grove Councilwoman Nguyen was kind enough to send a press release on the subject. She says, "What we are doing is continuing to make Garden Grove a business friendly city and eliminate unnecessary red tape when doing business with city hall."


Nguyen the first woman in over 30 years on the Garden Grove City Council has a good shot at being Orange County’s next supervisor (should Sup. Correa best Daucher in the 34th Senate). I can only hope Janet will bring the same kind of ideas to county government.

Outdoor seating ordinances is exactly… Read More

Jon Fleischman


Over the next month, the Governor will be looking at literally hundreds of pieces of legislation that have been placed onto his desk. You can be sure, because of the partisan makeup of the legislature (Democrat majorities in both Houses) that none of the legislation achieves lofty goal of reducing the size and scope of state government. On the contrary, the overwhelming amount of legislation on Schwarzenegger’s desk takes away a lot or a little of the liberty and freedom of Californians — whether because it contains a tax or a fee, or because it creates a new government entity, or restricts by fiat the rights of individuals in the Golden State to exercise their own judgment.

As readers of this website know, this year’s FlashReport Legislative Golden Trash Can Award went to Assembly Bill 523, which, if signed, will allow the Trustees of the Coast Community College… Read More

Ronald Reagan and Thomas Starr King

The rarely heard from "Publius" of OC Blog has an excellent post on State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth‘s successful effort to have California’s statue of Thomas Starr King removed from the halls of the United States Capitol and replaced with a statue of Ronald Reagan. (Links on the main page take youto articles here and here.)

Those of you who know me, know I used to work at the Reagan Ranch. You knowof my adoration for The Gipper. You know I was one of the first of hundreds of thousands… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Schwarzenegger: “I cannot support a government-run health care system.”

I would like to send a hearty THANK YOU to Governor Schwarzenegger.

The left-wing legislature passed along to the Governor, in the form of SB 840, a socialized healthcare system bill that would have been incredibly bad for the people of this state — especially those in need of professional medical assistance. In vetoing this bill, the Governor had this to say:

Socialized medicine is not the solution to our state’s health care problems. This bill would require an extraordinary redirection of public and private funding by creating a vast new bureaucracy to take over health insurance and medical care for Californians – a serious and expensive mistake. Such a program would cost the state billions and lead to significant new taxes on individuals and businesses, without solving the critical issue of affordability.Read More

Mike Spence

Unions and Illegal Alien promoters against the First Ammendment

In the good old days unions opposed illegal immigration, because it undercut keeping workers wages high. The United Farm Workers are a good example of a union that fought hard to keep illegals out of the fields. How times of changed. This weekend Teamsters and illegal alien activists joined up for a Labor Day rally that included keeping a dozen anti-illegal alien protesters from doing their thing. See the story here.Read More