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Ronald Reagan and Thomas Starr King

The rarely heard from "Publius" of OC Blog has an excellent post on State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth‘s successful effort to have California’s statue of Thomas Starr King removed from the halls of the United States Capitol and replaced with a statue of Ronald Reagan. (Links on the main page take youto articles here and here.)

Those of you who know me, know I used to work at the Reagan Ranch. You knowof my adoration for The Gipper. You know I was one of the first of hundreds of thousands… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Schwarzenegger: “I cannot support a government-run health care system.”

I would like to send a hearty THANK YOU to Governor Schwarzenegger.

The left-wing legislature passed along to the Governor, in the form of SB 840, a socialized healthcare system bill that would have been incredibly bad for the people of this state — especially those in need of professional medical assistance. In vetoing this bill, the Governor had this to say:

Socialized medicine is not the solution to our state’s health care problems. This bill would require an extraordinary redirection of public and private funding by creating a vast new bureaucracy to take over health insurance and medical care for Californians – a serious and expensive mistake. Such a program would cost the state billions and lead to significant new taxes on individuals and businesses, without solving the critical issue of affordability.Read More

Mike Spence

Unions and Illegal Alien promoters against the First Ammendment

In the good old days unions opposed illegal immigration, because it undercut keeping workers wages high. The United Farm Workers are a good example of a union that fought hard to keep illegals out of the fields. How times of changed. This weekend Teamsters and illegal alien activists joined up for a Labor Day rally that included keeping a dozen anti-illegal alien protesters from doing their thing. See the story here.Read More

Back-to-School — Today I Understand

If you don’t subscribe to Rich Galen’s "Mullings" newsletter, you should — its free and comes twice a week. He’s savvy and witty and does an excellent job digesting major national issues into a common sense 2 minute read. I’ve never met Rich, but was referred to his newsletter almost 5 years ago by a close friend and I read it religiously every time it pops into my in box.

I’ve always remembered reading his "Back-to-School" essay in 2001 — it’s a slight divergence from his normal commentary on politics (but ties in with current events). It’s an emotional piece that those of us with kids can relate to easily.

After dropping my oldest daughter off for her first day of kindergarten, I came back to the office and re-read his essay (lets just say, today I UNDERSTAND).… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: New Pooch Website, Arnold’s Lurch to the Left, Pork Imperils a GOP Congress

POOCHIGIAN UNVEILS NEW MOVE ON, JERRY WEBSITE This morning, Attorney General candidate Chuck Poochigian, the Republican, has unveiled a catchy new website entitled, Move On – Jerry! It is Jerry Brown, 3-time unsuccessful presidential candidate, failed worth checking out. What is all about? This is what they say on the site:

Jerry Brown, 3-time unsuccessful presidential candidate, failed and controversial former Governor, former left-wing talk radio host and now Mayor of crime-scarred Oakland is running for California Attorney General, the state’s chief law enforcement officer.

But Jerry Brown’s soft on crime record, his history of extreme andRead More

Jon Fleischman

New Pooch Website, Arnold’s Lurch to the Left, Pork Imperils a GOP Congress

POOCHIGIAN UNVEILS NEW MOVE ON, JERRY WEBSITE This morning, Attorney General candidate Chuck Poochigian, the Republican, has unveiled a catchy new website entitled, Move On – Jerry! It is Jerry Brown, 3-time unsuccessful presidential candidate, failed worth checking out. What is all about? This is what they say on the site:

Jerry Brown, 3-time unsuccessful presidential candidate, failed and controversial former Governor, former left-wing talk radio host and now Mayor of crime-scarred Oakland is running for California Attorney General, the state’s chief law enforcement officer.Read More

Harry Sidhu has it right.

Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu is a smart man. He does not gamble and he is not an advocate of having a casino in Anahiem (something I would very much appreciate).

But Sidhu is realistic enough to know that someday it might be the right public policy to let one open up that is why he opposes efforts in his city to hamstring future councils from considering gambling establishments as an option…… Read More

Why collectivism fails every time.

This is a tale of two families who’s air conditioner broke during the dead heat of this summer.

One family was mine, my mother and father who live in Aliso Viejo here in Orange County. They are an active couple dad in his late 70s and mom, well lets just say somewhat younger.

The other family, the Frank Mickadeit’s of Codo de Caza the ritzy gated community in south Orange County.

The… Read More