LA Times article is NOT a hit piece
I was there in 2003, working out of the Schwarzenegger for Governor campaign press office in Santa Monica when the Los Angeles Times wrote an unsubstantiated pre-election hit piece against him.
However, today’s article by Robert Salladay, which reveals a privately tape recorded conversation between Gov. Schwarzenegger, his chief of staff and two aides, is not a case of history repeating itself.
No, something much more sinister is at work, and it doesn’t involve anyone employed by the LA Times.
Rather, this is a case of one of the governor’s staff — who apparently didn’t sign the same confidentiality agreement I was forced to sign when I went to work on his campaign three years ago — betraying his trust, calling into question the confidentiality of future private conversations the governor may have with members of the legislature, and publicly embarrassing him through a news article that is now posted on the Drudge Report, read by millions of people around the world.
Oh yes, and let’s not forget, handing his opponent, Phil Angelides, a hit piece of his own on a silver platter.
I write today… Read More