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LA Times article is NOT a hit piece

I was there in 2003, working out of the Schwarzenegger for Governor campaign press office in Santa Monica when the Los Angeles Times wrote an unsubstantiated pre-election hit piece against him.

However, today’s article by Robert Salladay, which reveals a privately tape recorded conversation between Gov. Schwarzenegger, his chief of staff and two aides, is not a case of history repeating itself.

No, something much more sinister is at work, and it doesn’t involve anyone employed by the LA Times.

Rather, this is a case of one of the governor’s staff — who apparently didn’t sign the same confidentiality agreement I was forced to sign when I went to work on his campaign three years ago — betraying his trust, calling into question the confidentiality of future private conversations the governor may have with members of the legislature, and publicly embarrassing him through a news article that is now posted on the Drudge Report, read by millions of people around the world.

Oh yes, and let’s not forget, handing his opponent, Phil Angelides, a hit piece of his own on a silver platter.

I write today… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The L.A. Times Predictably Goes Negative on Arnold With It’s First Pre-Election Hit Piece

Last night was one of those nights where you just feel like tossing your cell phone into the swimming pool, or in this case, my friend Mike Schroeder’s swimming pool. Last night there was an intimate fundraising event for Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona at the home of Mike and Susan Schroeder, but I ended up missing most of the festivities as I hunted for that one spot in the backyard of the Carona Del Mar home where my cell phone could get good signal.

I was on the phone quite a bit as there was talk that Bob Salladay of the Los Angeles Times had "gotten a hold" of an audio tape, or a transcription of an audio tape of the Governor, his Chief of Staff Susan Kennedy, and a couple of others where there is some colorful talk about Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia, his predecessor Assemblyman Kevin McCarthy and Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia.

It took a while but I finally was able to have someone read to me a copy of the transcribed conversation — and when they did, I said to the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The L.A. Times Predictably Goes Negative on Arnold With It’s First Pre-Election Hit Piece

Last night was one of those nights where you just feel like tossing your cell phone into the swimming pool, or in this case, my friend Mike Schroeder’s swimming pool. Last night there was an intimate fundraising event for Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona at the home of Mike and Susan Schroeder, but I ended up missing most of the festivities as I hunted for that one spot in the backyard of the Carona Del Mar home where my cell phone could get good signal.

I was on the phone quite a bit as there was talk that Bob Salladay of the Los Angeles Times had "gotten a hold" of an audio tape, or a transcription of an audio tape of the Governor, his Chief of Staff Susan Kennedy, and a couple of others where there is some colorful talk about Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia, his predecessor Assemblyman Kevin McCarthy and Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia.

It took a while but I finally was able to have someone read to me a copy of the transcribed conversation — and when they did, I said to the… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Eminent Domain Taking stopped on North State ranch

Yolo County’s strong arm tactics to takeover from private ownership the 17300 acre Conaway Ranch in eastern Yolo County has been thwarted. Eminent Domain was invoked over a yearago by the county since the owners wouldn’t sell, in order to ‘protect’ the ranch, ostensibly. The owners had been operating it as it had been for many years, as a rice farming operation and as duck clubs with much natural wildlife habitat. The owners were even awarded for their stewardship by wildlife organizations. But the county, sensingthat some of theownership, having a history of being in the development history [the horror!]may want to turn the 17300 acres into houses and strip malls, thereby the county must take the land to ‘save’ it! Never mind that about 15,000 acres is virtually undevelopable as it is so highly susceptible to flooding you would be out of your mind to try. Our helicopter ride with the Guv and Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff early this year gave me abirdseye view of the vast majority of the land under several feet of water, up next to the Sacramento River and it’s working, intact levee.

So what… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Last night I did something I haven’t done much of since I moved to the Bay Area: attended a fundraising event for a GOP candidate. Jill Buck is running for the 18th Assembly District against Mary Hayishi, a Nunez appointee to the Board of Registered Nurses and public health activist (click here for more background on the Jill and the district).

I’ll post more on Mary Hayishi in the next day or so, but today I just wanted to bring FR readers up on the Jill Buck campaign. The 18th Assembly district has traditionally been considered a “safe seat” for the… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

9-11 Tribute Video, The President, and Polling

The 5th anniversary of 9-11 is this Monday, and there are can’t miss television programs providing a look at this terrible catastrophe. This link to a short video is one that should be viewed by everyone possible, especially liberals, who represent a grave threat to our freedom and security.

I might note that the President is back to being the President again, stridently defending his policy on terrorism, and guess what, his polling numbers are up and so are the GOP’s prospects for retaining Congressional majorities. I love watching him on offense. The GOP is on offense so little of the time no wonder we don’t have points on the board.

Stand for something, articulate your position, and results will come. What don’t our elected officials understand about this?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold’s Bill Signings/Vetoes – Hold on to your chair.

I see how this is going to work – it is going to be the love/hate month where it comes to Arnold Schwarzenegger and pen — whether he uses it to sign a bad bill, or uses it to veto one. I am still trying hard to discern the ideology and principles that he is applying when reviewing bills so that I can try to have an accurate anticipation of what he will do.

Assembly Bill 172 by Democrat Assemblywoman Wilma Chan of Oakland was a veto waiting to happen. This legislation clearly puts the State of California further into the business of operating preschools (you’ll recall that the voters soundly rejected an attempt by ultra-liberal Rob Reiner to pass a tax increase to do just this). As a matter of fact, this bill was an end-run around the voters who rejected that plan. The clear lesson of that rejection was that voters do not want their tax dollars going into government pre-school. But, of course, someone is trying to take as the lesson that the objection was not to the government schooling, but just to raising taxes on smokers to do it.

Anyways, about a half-dozen moderate Republicans voted for this bill — and there was an odd and… Read More

What I have to live there to run for city council?

Residency – the act of dwelling in a place.

The laws governing residency are actually fairly liberal. But you kinda sorta have to live in a city to run for city council. Saying you live at your son’s house in Orange and really shaking up with your husband in Newport Beach doesn’t cut it.

This is the case of a local candidate for Orange City Council. She is Carol Rudat, wife of the former city manager who was (fired, let go, left on his own terms) feel free to call it what ever you want, but he ain’t running the city anymore.

Carol, the wife and real estate professional that profited from the sale of land involving a trash company that was bidding on a city contract at the time while her husband was city manager and her husband was eventually fined by the FPPC for the incident was not available to comment about where she lives when are reporter called so her San Diego spokesperson chimed in to say how rude it was to question where she lived.

Interesting is that the Rudat spokesperson said she moved into the home owned by her some in Orange in July. The thing is she re-registered at the residence in April.… Read More