Ca Dems Website: Much More Borg Than Blog
As everyone who reads this site undoubtedly knows, a few weeks ago a few of my ‘friends’ on the left-wing side of the political spectrum launched their new website, the California Majority Report. Actually, I spoke on several occasions with the Democrat activists who were putting this site together, giving them some general input on a collegial level. They invited me to come up to Sacramento last month to their big, glitzy "launch party" which was attended by a couple hundred members of the Sacramento liberal elite, including many socialist-policy-embracing officeholders like State Senate President Don Perata, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez and many others. This group was so left-wing that former Gray Davis/Steve Westly advisor Garry South stuck out as the reasonable one of the bunch. One cannot help but try to make a comparison between this new website and the FlashReport.… Read More