WSJ’s Steve Moore on Earmarks, Pork and the GOP’s self-inflicted wounds…
Tax, Spend, and Make Way for Speaker Pelosi
If serving up a platter of pork is how Republicans expect to win back their voters in the weeks ahead, they might as well hand over the gavel to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid right now. The half-trillion dollar budget bloat of the last five years is precisely what has placed the GOP majorities in the House and Senate in mortal danger. Tom Feeney, the second-term Republican House member from Florida, recently told us: "Sometimes I think we’d be better off with those old headlines reading ‘Republicans Attempt to Cut Federal Programs for Widows, Orphans and Grandmothers.’"
He was only half joking. Republicans are at risk of losing the House and Senate in no small part because of the untrammeled spending spree. Since 2001 the federal budget has risen by $750 billion. The increase over the… Read More