Republican Party Mail and E-mail should have the Party’s Positions on Ballot Measures
Right now, there is a discussion taking place in the echelons of the California Republican Party about whether the party’s direct mail and e-mail communications will include the Party’s positions on the various statewide ballot measures. This seems like a common sense thing to do. After all, everyone knows which candidates the party supports since they have their party affiliation next to their names — but the ballot measures are not given a partisan label. To help make it more clear, here is an example of a box that can and should appear on every piece of direct mail from the party, whether the party is mailing on behalf of the Governor and the ticket, legislative races, or any particular measure…
The CRP Board of Directors will meet tomorrow — and I think that they should make the inclusion of this chart a requirement for use of the party for sending out postal mail and e-mail. Understand, I don’t agree with all of the party’s adopted positions — but they are the… Read More