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Jon Fleischman

Shawn Steel reviews Joe Mathews new book on Arnold Schwarzenegger

TODAY’S SUNDAY COMMENTARY IS "GUEST HOSTED" BY LONGTIME FLASHREPORT FRIEND SHAWN STEEL. STEEL, A PROMINENT LOS ANGELES COUNTY ATTORNEY, IS A FORMER CHAIRMAN OF THE CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN PARTY, AND HAS PENNED THIS BOOK REVIEW… Los Angeles Times reporter Joe Mathews’ new book, “The People’s Machine: Arnold and the Rise of Blockbuster Democracy” is quite the rage in Sacramento and for California political junkies. Mathews recounts the political formation of Arnold Schwarzenegger and the origins of the 2003 Gray Davis Recall that dethroned a sitting governor for the first time in 80 years – and elected Arnold Schwarzenegger in his place. That time now seems like eons ago, but we should remember the California Republican Party was onRead More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…He Sells Sanctuary

Nick Inzunza, whose once near-lock on Juan Vargas’ 79th AD seat, or even simply another term as mayor of National City, were both dashed with last December’s SDUT report of His Slumlordness, is making a liberal splash for himself on the way out.

In the wake of cities like Escondido considering rental laws against illegal aliens and Vista adopting restrictions on the hiring of day laborers, Mayor Nick is doing the exact opposite…proposing National City as a sanctuary for illegals, or whathe is calling "immigrants"(see story). Notwithstanding his claim that this is simply an announcement of the city’s current policies, a few National City residents and some of his council colleagues are a tad surprised by the brazenness of proclaiming support for illegality, including that local law enforcement will turn a blind eye to any knowledge of “undocumented” denizens of the area.

Is Inzunza trying to… Read More

The Swiftboats Are Coming, The Swift Boats Are Coming!

I saw this piece on Dan Weintraub’s blog today.Bob Perry, a Texas developer who helped fund the Swift Boat ads, is the sole donor ($ 5 Million so far) to a group named the Economic Freedom Fund and has been working for republicans infederal races in other states. The group has set up shop in Sacramento. The Swift Boat ads played havoc forJohn Kerry in the last presidential race.It could just be coincidence, ifyou believe in that,but I think we’ll see some action from this group.

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Jon Fleischman

Family Action PAC raises funds for McClintock

Six years, a group of conservative Californians who were concerned about the future of the Golden State came together and formed the Family Action Political Action Committee. Centered in Orange County, the Family Action PAC, over three election cycles of active giving, has combined two very important components which have allowed them to maximize their impact — a sharp focus on supporting those candidates who are fiscally and socially conservative (you can read their mission statement here) combined with a politically sophisticated process of giving in order to make sure that their dollars are going to candidates in primary and general elections who have a higher probability of success. The PAC has also been an early giver of funds in some instances, helping conservative candidates to gain credibility as they gear up a campaign. I’ve been closely associated with many of the leaders of the Family Action PAC for many years (actually, for a lot longer than the PAC has been around) and have been blessed to attend a number of their events. Last… Read More

Mike Spence

First Arnold, Now Pasadena: Save the environment, hire more bureaucrats

First the Governor gets passage of AB 32. Now Pasadena has decided to endorse the Kyoto Treaty. See article here. Republicans on the City Council joined the effort. Pasadena joins California cities like Santa Cruz, West Hollywood and Berkeley. See list here.(surprise bankrupt San Diego is on the list) in this growing trend. Of course the City of Pasadena’s first step, hire a bureaucrat. Wonder if he walks to work?

If you are looking for free market, scientific info on the environment may I suggest the Committee for A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)I’ve been associated with them for almost 15 years now. Great group.… Read More

Barry Jantz

JPA in San Diego for Chargers?

The news this morning (posted on the FR main page) about the County and City of San Diego "tag teaming" the Chargers to keep them in San Diego referred to a Joint Powers Agreement….

UnionTrib story North County Times story

As a result of this news, some may believe that all of the cities in the county may have a say in a JPA. I’ve received a couple of emails from folks asking me as a La Mesa councilman to oppose any such deal.

I’m at a loss as to how anyone could manipulate a possible county-wide JPA. City of San Diegans are the only residents that will have any input on a Chargers’ stadium in that city, with National City, Chula Vista and others being in the same boat if their overtures are successful (National City is dead in the water, regardless of the press attention). That is, unless the Spanos’ are brain-dead and try something really stupid. And, I would just love to see the County Supes even suggest that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Vote NO on ALL of the Bonds

This November California voters will be faced with a wide array of ballot measures, mostly looking for ways to raise taxes or borrow money. What does this tell you? It tells you that the appetite for state government SPENDING is voracious. These measures all come at voters during a time when an unprecedented amount of taxpayer funds are already being sent to Sacramento. The current state budget is well over a HUNDRED BILLION dollars, and this represents sharp increases of funds in the state budget over recent years. It is important for every FlashReport reader to join together in sending an important message to liberal politicians in Sacramento, and to all of the special interest groups that would try to get you to vote to raise your own taxes or vote to put your children in debt — NO. The cold, hard reality is that California already has the financial resources to more that adequate invest in our state’s infrastructure. All of the Governor’s visions for a California that builds new facilities, roads, and infrastructure can already take place. The reality is that the liberal Democrats in Sacramento don’t want to face the idea… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Vote NO on ALL of the Bonds

This November California voters will be faced with a wide array of ballot measures, mostly looking for ways to raise taxes or borrow money. What does this tell you? It tells you that the appetite for state government SPENDING is voracious. These measures all come at voters during a time when an unprecedented amount of taxpayer funds are already being sent to Sacramento. The current state budget is well over a HUNDRED BILLION dollars, and this represents sharp increases of funds in the state budget over recent years. It is important for every FlashReport reader to join together in sending an important message to liberal politicians in Sacramento, and to all of the special interest groups that would try to get you to vote to raise your own taxes or vote to put your children in debt — NO. The cold, hard reality is that California already has the financial resources to more that adequate invest in our state’s infrastructure. All of the Governor’s visions for a California that builds new facilities, roads, and infrastructure can already take place. The reality is that the liberal Democrats in Sacramento don’t want to face the idea… Read More