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Congressman John Campbell

Federal Election Integrity Act

In California and some other states, it is illegal to ask a voter to show proof of identification that they are the voter they claim to be. Therefore, I could go to your polling place, pretend to be you, and the poll worker could not ask me to prove I’m you even if that person knew who you were. That’s a law that promotes fraud. That is nuts. Bills have been introduced nearly every year in the California State Legislature to change this pro-fraud law. They have always failed on party-line votes. This week the House passed HR 4844, The Federal Election Integrity Act,by a vote of 228-196. The vote was almost entirely on party lines with only 4 Democrats voting in favor. The bill will require voters to show a photo ID when voting in federal elections (Congress, Senate, President) beginning in 2008, and in 2010 those IDs will beRead More

Jon Fleischman

Governor Vetoes Cargo Fee/Tax – Great news!

Great news! Today Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed Senate Bill 927 which we have written about here on our site and which is one of our "Twenty Worst Bill" that are on his desk.

This Bill would have hiked up fees (taxes) on cargo going in and out of the state via Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors.

When I heard about the veto, I immediately got in touch with Jon Coupal over at the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (they had vigorously opposed this legislation) and Jon had this to say:

“Governor Schwarzenegger made taxpayers and the business community breathe a little easier today by vetoing a host of “fee” increase proposals. The democrat majority in the California Legislature has increasingly characterized tax increases as “fee” increases in order to avoid certain constitutionallyRead More

Mike Spence

LA Times spends more money on Mountjoy campaign than CRP

The Los Angeles Times spent weeks hiring a researcher to search every naval record concerning US GOP Senate Nominee Dick Mountjoy. I’m sure they spent time researching everything else in his bio as well.

We all know the LA Times will print anything if it hurts Republicans. I’m sure they have no researcher checking Feinstein out.

The amazing thing here is that this will be more money spent on the campaign than anything the California Republican party will do. To be fair some county chairs in San Diego, LA and San Luis Obispo have been helpful, but the state party won’t even include Dick on the door hangers. They are following the Governor’s lead in not supporting the entire team. Also the LA Lincoln Club maxed out to Dick, but again nothing from the Party.

To date, they allowed Dick to speak at the CRP Convention, but didn’t include him in the candidate profile book.

It is a sad day when the liberally biased LA Timesspend more trying to "torpedo" a campaignthan the State Party is willing to do on behalf of their nominee. Shame.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Stephen Bing, will higher gas prices make it more expensive to fuel your private jet?

If you are into the history of New York City, and some of its most amazing buildings, then you would know that some of the signature tall towers in Manhattan and beyond bear the distinguished “Bing & Bing” trademark. Back in mid-Twentieth century, brothers Alexander and Leo Bing were know for having perfected the art of developing luxury apartment buildings and more. Today, many amazing building around New York City stand as a living legacy of the hard work and ingenuity of the Bing Brothers.

Unfortunately, one of the brothers, Leo Bing, left us another ‘living legacy’ that is bad news for anyone who believes in limited government, liberty for Americans, and the kind of free-market system that allowed two brothers, back in the day, to amass a fortune larger than the annual budget of many countries. Stephen Bing is the grandson of Leo, and his share of an inheritance from the Bing family fortune was estimate, when he got it, to be worth between 400 – 600 million dollars! Stephen dropped… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Anti-Voter Registration Fraud Bill A Victory For Civil Rights

This morning, the Orange County Register had a story that I pulled for the main page. Its about a bill authored by Senator Jim Battin (R-Palm Desert, pictured to the left) to tackle voter registration fraud that was signed by the Governor yesterday.

The Register, out of all the papers in the state, chose to run this story because there were incidents of registration fraud that popped up in the county earlier this year. A canvassing business employed by the Orange County Republican Party deviated from instruction and the law and improperly re-registered people from their chosen party affiliation. It looks bad for Repubicans at first glance, but let me tell you why I think we… Read More

Anti-Voter Registration Fraud Bill A Victory For Civil Rights

This morning, the Orange County Register had a story that I pulled for the main page. Its about a bill authored by Senator Jim Battin (R-Palm Desert – pictured to the left) to tackle voter registration fraud that was signed by the Governor yesterday.

The Register, out of all the papers in the state, chose to run this story because there were incidents of registration fraud that popped up in the county earlier this year. A canvassing business employed by the Orange County Republican Party deviated from instruction and the law and improperly re-registered people from their chosen party affiliation. It looks bad for Repubicans at first… Read More

True Electoral CollegeReform in CA

If California wants to be anything other than an ATM for presidential candidates in the future, we need to reform the electoral college, or move the primaries ever earlier, creating an insufferably long general election cycle.

AssemblymenBenoit and Harmon introducedAB 2in 2005. That bill would have given the winner in the general election, of each congressional district, that electoral college vote.The bill never got out of elections committee, no surprise, but we thought it was a great idea. Here is thereasoning behind it:

For many years now, California has not been a major player in Presidential elections. The state is widely viewed as the place to achieve record-setting fundraising so that the election of our President may be decided in "battleground states" several time zones away.It is a slap in the face of California voters that our 55 electoral votes, the largest block in the nation, are given to one candidate without anything more than a token campaign being launched in our state. … Read More

Congressman John Campbell

What is Bill Lockyer Thinking?

As a person who worked in the automobile business almost all of my adult life, I can’t help but react to Bill Lockyer’s latest high jinks. His lawsuit against the automobile manufactures is one of the most ridiculous abuses of an official office for political gain in an election year that I have ever seen. This suit is completely without merit or precedent, and it is clear that he has only taken this action generate publicity.

Here are few questions I would like Mr. Lockyer to answer regarding how illogical this lawsuit is:

•If the auto industry has caused economic damages to the state of California because of global warming, then what are they and how did he determine the amount he is suing for? •If you can sue the auto companies because they are contributing to global warming, why not sue every company on earth that might be contributing to global warming? •Why not sue every consumer who has ever driven a car in the state of California? •Isn’t this the wrong time to making unsubstantiated attacks against American companies that are going through difficult times… Read More