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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Poizner’s New Ad “If You Cruz, You Lose”

Insurance Commissioner Candidate Steve Poizner is up in the Central Valley with his new ad, "If you Cruz, You Lose". It is one of the best ads running out there right now. You can take a look at it here.

Cruz Bustamante is a nice person, but he has no business running for Insurance Commissioner. This is a race to watch, and I have not a doubt that Poizer will run a competitive race here.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Today’s Commentary: What is the CRP doing on Prop 90?


I just got off the phone with Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, Honorary co-chair of the Protect Our Homes Initiative, after an email she sent out tonight asking for support in urging the California Republican Party to do the right thing.

Property rights are a fundamental ideal in this nation, a basic right which has historically set the United States apart from many other countries. Or so we thought until the Supreme Court’s Kelo decision.

**There is more – click the link**

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Barry Jantz

What is the CRP doing on Prop 90?


I just got off the phone with Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, Honorary co-chair of the Protect Our Homes Initiative, after an email she sent out tonight asking for support in urging the California Republican Party to do the right thing.

Property rights are a fundamental ideal in this nation, a basic right which has historically set the United States apart from many other countries. Or so we thought until the Supreme Court’s Kelo decision.

That decision is perhaps another glaring example of just how confused we have become asa nation about basic rights and core freedoms. Even so, it should come as no surprise to anyone that the Republican Party would not be swayed by such confusion, and that the membership of the California Republican Party, in convention last month, would support Proposition 90, the Protect Our Homes Initiative. In so doing, the CRP resolution made it clear that printed literature the Party disseminates for the November election include the Yes on 90 position.

There was nothing in the resolution to indicate "only if the CRP gets money from the Yes… Read More

Grand Jury Subpoenas in Riverside

This reporter was on the beat today tracking down the reason nine Riverside City employees were served subpoenas by the Grand Jury on Monday.

Sources report the subpoenaswere civil, not criminal, andcenter on contract purchases of computers for city police cars. Seems the low bidder may not have been selected and there have been some accusations regarding alleged nefarious practices in the process.

There are no charges filed at this time. The grand jury will interview people, then, if they feel suffient evidence exists, they will refer tothe DA. This is not uncommon, but the sheer number of subpoena’s in this matter bears watching.… Read More

Brandon Powers


[H/T to Brandon for posting this ‘proof’ of the Governor making a public appearance today with none other than State Senator Chuck Poochigian, among others, at his side. The Governor signed some legislation, co-authored by the GOP nominee for Attorney General, that cracks down on sex offenders. You can watch the video here off of the Gov’s hi-tech website. – Flash]Read More

Brandon Powers

Unions Choose to Waste Money – Great News for Downticket Republicans

Today’s report that the unions are gearing up to spend/waste $25 million for Angelides is the best news this Republican has heard in a while.

That the unions were going to spend big was never really in question.

The question before today was where it was going to be spent.

As Jon says on the front page, $100 million might not elect Phil, so spending $25 million is really justthrowing good money after bad.

But, for Republicans – and especially conservatives – this is great news.

Had that money not gone to Angelides, it (or someamount probably nearly as large) would’ve likely gone to some combination of John Garamendi, John Chiang, and Cruz Bustamante (Debra Bowen wouldn’t have been helped much, as some of these unions have endorsed McPherson).

Dropping, say, $8 million each against McClintock, Strickland, and Poizner, each of these candidates could’ve been in real trouble.

I’m sure the unions wouldargue that a rising time raises all ships, and that helping Angelides close… Read More

Lockyer Sues Ford, GM, Toyota, Chrysler, Honda, And Nissan For “Global Warming”

Those who frequent Drudge Report will now find this story at the top of the page in red. The AG’s office sent out the press release this morning. In it, Lockyer points at automakers (Chrysler, GM, Ford, Toyota, Honda, and Nissan) for every problem under the sun, continuing the mostly-unfounded hysteria over… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Christians: The people Hollywood loves to hate

The Los Angeles Times reports that Fox Home Video has created a new film division called FoxFaith. The new studio will make about a dozen films a year, half of which will be released to theaters, with the rest going directly to DVD. The studio is reported to be interested in tapping into the success Mel Gibson’s "The Passion of the Christ" by producing films that appeal to the nation’s Christian community.

On the heels of Monday’s night debut of "Studio 60 on Sunset Strip," this announcement is intriguing. Fox, and Rupert Murdoch, are targeting American Christians while the rest of Hollywood is seething with anger and hatred that these people are even allowed to exist.

I enjoyed the premiere of "Studio 60" while hating it at the same time.… Read More