Speaker Pelosi and Chairman Rangel
Today, we got another startling glimpse of what the “Speaker Pelosi” (scary isn’t it) and the Democratic agenda would look like if they took over Congress. The latest revelation came from Charlie Rangel (D-NY), the ranking member of the Ways and Means Committee and the would be Democratic chairman. Congress Daily PM highlighted some of his remarks at a press conference today, “Asked whether tax increases across the income spectrum would be considered, [Rangel] replied, ‘No question about it.’" This is on the heels of remarks he made last week in another article published in Bloomberg News, “Rangel’s accession to the chairmanship of the committee would likely end six years of tax cuts by the Republican- controlled Congress. He said he ‘cannot think of one’ of President George W. Bush’s first-term tax cuts that merit renewal.”
The millions of Americans are benefiting from tax relief that has lowered marginal tax rates, reduced taxes on capitol gains and dividends, created the largest ever child tax credit, and reduced the death tax among others. These tax… Read More