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Mike Spence

Jay Leno was wrong about Dick Mountjoy.

Did anyone stay up and watch NBC’s Tonight Show? Jay Leno told a joke about GOP US Senate Nominee Dick Mountjoy and his lack of service on the U.S.S. Missouri. The Los Angeles Times story rests on a mistake Mountjoy stafferPeggy Mew made six years ago. See here.

The joke was a play on his name.Standard Leno, except then Leno added something about Dick making up his war time service.

Jay Leno is wrong. Even the Los Angeles Timesprinted his service record. Dick Mountjoy was involved in combat and gun strikes on Communists in Korea as part of his service on the U.S.S Brementon. Period. Check for yourself.

See his service record here.

Interesting note: The Missouri was deactivated in Brementon, Washington, which served asits’ homeport for many years. Hmmm!Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Angelides is the worst candidate ever… Even Bozo would be better!

I feel really bad for every partisan Democratic activist in California.

I can only imagine that they must all be moping right now. When they aren’t complaining about how much they hate George Bush, they must be spending all of their time bemoaning the fact that their nominee for Governor has to be the worst candidate ever in the history of the Golden State. As a matter of fact, and I really do mean this with all sincerity, if the Democrats had Bozo the Clown as their nominee, they really couldn’t be any worse off than they are now. As a matter of fact, they would be better off. Because while neither Phil Angelides nor Bozo the Clown have any real clue on how to run for, let alone competently occupy the job of Governor — at least Bozo the Clown is funny. Watching Phil Angelides campaign since the primary has actually … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Angelides is the worst candidate ever… Even Bozo would be better!

I feel really bad for every partisan Democratic activist in California.

I can only imagine that they must all be moping right now. When they aren’t complaining about how much they hate George Bush, they must be spending all of their time bemoaning the fact that their nominee for Governor has to be the worst candidate ever in the history of the Golden State. As a matter of fact, and I really do mean this with all sincerity, if the Democrats had Bozo the Clown as their nominee, they really couldn’t be any worse off than they are now. As a matter of fact, they would be better off. Because while neither Phil Angelides nor Bozo the Clown have any real clue on how to run for, let alone competently occupy the job of Governor — at least Bozo the Clown is funny. Watching Phil Angelides campaign since the primary has actually … Read More

Over the Cliff in the 80th

Recently I was riding in a desert race on my dirt bike.The course was tough, the competition heated, and I was, quite honestly, too out of shape to be there.I crested a tough single track, loose sand and rocks, full of switchbacks, hill climb and immediately had to lean andskid hard left to avoid going off the 20 or so foot drop on the other side.I missed the turn and flew off the side.Right before I was launched, I had a split second to look over at the fall I was about to take.I took in the drop, the fact that I was going over the bars and my bike would most likely hit me on its way down, all the rocks that would break my fall, and I thought to myself, “ I’m too old for this @#&*.”And then I fell.And it really hurt. I got up and continued on, but really, I was out of the race. Steve Clute is having that kind of fall in the 80th Assembly District.And, for all intents and purposes, he is out of the race.Read More

Barry Jantz

Illegal Apologists, Minutemen Clash Over National City Sanctuary

Yesterday’s FR included a link to the SDUT story about Saturday’s rally in National City on sanctuary. Apparently, more than a confrontation than a rally. Mayor Nick Inzunza, purveyor of ignoring illegal immigrants in "his" city, wasn’t even on hand, it was reported.

If Mayor Nick’s goal was to garner some nice news coverage for the city, he achieved it. If his agenda is to get the Chargers to drop a potential National City stadium deal like a greased football, he is doing an outstanding job in that department as well.

I ask again, you think anyone was checking IDs during the event? Ha.

Here is a link tothe KFMB-TV "coverage," as well as video footage.

As I wrote yesterday, Inzunza probably didn’t see his crazy proposal as an election issue, but… Read More

UPDATED Today’s Commentary: Today’s FR

UPDATED Governor Favors Taxing Wealthy Drivers More

The top story on the main page today is the coverage of the Governor’s remarks to the Sacramento Bee. The Governor, according to the Bee, seemed to be lamenting the fact that the sales and excise taxes on gasoline are regressive, or fixed, taxes having a greater affect on the poor. While he’s correct about this characterization of the taxes, he said, "Ideally, if we had such a thing where those that have more money paid more and those that have no money paid less or nothing, if there could be such a thing. … But we don’t. There’s no computer when you walk up to the gas station, to the pump, that automatically when you put the (card) up says, ‘OK, you have $18,000 in income a year, so you pay only this.’ That doesn’t exist." I don’t see anything "ideal" about this concept.

While, yes, the sales and excise taxes are… Read More


UPDATED Governor Favors Taxing Wealthy Drivers More

The top story on the main page today is the coverage of the Governor’s remarks to the Sacramento Bee. The Governor, according to the Bee, seemed to be lamenting the fact that the sales and excise taxes on gasoline are regressive, or fixed, taxes having a greater affect on the poor. While he’s correct about this characterization of the taxes, he said, "Ideally, if we had such a thing where those that have more money paid more and those that have no money paid less or nothing, if there could be such a thing. … But we don’t. There’s no computer when you walk up to the gas station, to the pump, that automatically when you put the (card) up says, ‘OK, you have $18,000 in income a year, so you pay only this.’ That doesn’t exist." I don’t see anything "ideal" about this concept.

While, yes, the sales and excise taxes are… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Yes, support Arnold. But also reject the spending proposals, higher taxes and big bonds, this November!

Since thousands of volunteers who support the re-election of the Governor read this page every day, this seems like a good time to start to have a dialogue about that will happen in Sacramento when Arnold is re-elected by the voters! Given his very wide lead at the moment, and how his opponent Phil Angelides can’t seem to put it together, I think that everyone who prefers to see Governor Schwarzenegger in January and not Governor Angelides can start to look at the rest of the picture — what kind of environment will Arnold Schwarzenegger be operating in when he returns? (This is not an opportuntiy to slack in your hard work, by the way, but rather an invitation to start to think about the bigger picture). For core Republican voters, I would submit that besides whom we elect Governor, there are two major areas in which we need to focus. One is the defeat of all of spending measures on the November ballot (this includes both the measures that raise taxes to spend, and also the measures that would put our children in debt in order to spend) — and the other is electing down-ticket Republicans into statewide office. We will be talking… Read More