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Mike Spence

The Antelope Valley tells Arnold: Veto AB 606 and AB 1056

With the deadline for the signing bills approaching, 40 leaders in Los Angeles’ Antelope Valley held a press conference telling the Governor to veto AB 606 and AB 1056. Both these bills are sponsored by Equality California. Hats off to teacher Scot Sutherland in organizing the event, which featured Assemblywoman Sharon Runner. See the article here.Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Gov, now that you’ve saved the world (not), can we get back to fixing the budget?

Yesterday, Oakland’s KTVU interviewed me about who is the real Arnold Schwarzenegger (not just me, SF Mayor Gavin Newsom too). The gist of their story was, given the left-leaning bills the governor has been signing lately, Republicans and Democrats alike are wondering what to expect from the Schwarzenegger Administration in its second term. When KTVU’s Randy Shandobil asked me if I was a Schwarzenegger supporter early on, I replied that I was because, although I knew that he’d be middle-of-the-road on social issues, I liked his focus on dealing with the state budget’s structuralRead More

Jon Fleischman

Has the San Jose Mercury Newspaper Endorsed Phil Angelides? You might think so…

In light of Adam’s post below on the L.A. Times, here is some news that casts into doubt the objectivity of another major California newspaper, the San Jose Mercury News…

When I got an e-mail yesterday from the San Jose Mercury News entitled, "Governor, It’s Time To Set A Date" — I opened it right up. That is and of itself if notable because I get over a thousand e-mails on any given day, and many, many mass-emails go unopened. But it is unusual to get e-mail from the Merc, and even more intriguing because it sounded to me like this large, reputable newspaper was laying out a challenge to Arnold Schwarzenegger! Right under the large, reassuring logo of the Mercury News (I lived in the San Jose Area for a couple of years so logo adorned by front doorstep on a daily basis) was this HUGE logo of the Phil Angelides for the Governor campaign, and then a sarcastic letter that basically attacks the Governor for only… Read More

Today’s Commentary: One and a Half Paper Town

Ask any Orange County political insider or elected official what reporter they talk to at the LA Times and they will shrug and say no one. It is painfully clear that the LA Times has abandoned any hope of having a viable Orange County operation. They canceled their Orange County section years ago and rarely print oped submissions regarding OC public policy.

I did a poll in the city of Garden Grove a couple years back that showed the LA Times was the fourth most popular local news source among resident after the OC Register, the local Garden Grove Journal, and even the local Channel 3. The rest of Orange County would probably show similar results.

The Times’ last respected OC-based journalist left several months ago. Jean Pasco was the dean of the OC press corps when she packed it in to join the staff of the Orange County Clerk-Recorder.

**There is more – click the link**

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One and a Half Paper Town

Ask any Orange County political insider or elected official what reporter they talk to at the LA Times and they will shrug and say no one. It is painfully clear that the LA Times has abandoned any hope of having a viable Orange County operation. They canceled their Orange County section years ago and rarely print oped submissions regarding OC public policy.

I did a poll in the city of Garden Grove a couple years back that showed the LA Times was the fourth most popular local news source among resident after the OC Register, the local Garden Grove Journal, and even the local Channel 3. The rest of Orange County would probably show similar results.

The Times’ last respected OC-based journalist left several months ago. Jean Pasco was the dean of the OC press corps when she packed it in to join the staff of the Orange County Clerk-Recorder.

The LA Times is so out of touch with Orange County that controversy surrounding the paper itself is about the only thing that gets them any attention.

Both the OC Sheriff and District Attorney’s offices and have had black-out policies on and off with the Times and specific reporters for years. I… Read More

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night I hate to go and leave this pretty site

Blogging on the FlashReport has been great fun the past few months and has provided a useful forum for my political observations, passions and general rantings.

Jon Fleischman has really established an impressive conservative website that carries a great deal of political influence in California. The Democrats have yet to measure up to the standard he set or provide an ideological alternative that is as current or newsworthy.

That said, I’m passing the baton to the growing list of new bloggers Jon has brought on board in order to begin a new project with the ABC affiliate in Sacramento at

The new blog I’m writing for is called “Behind the Ballot” and features myself and Robin Swanson, a Democratic strategist who, like me, appears regularly on the Fox News Channel. I encourage you to check our new venturewhich will go live later tonight. Tomorrow morning, Robin and I will appear on News 10’s morning show (at the ghastly hour of 6 AM) to promo… Read More

Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt

County GOP Announces Local Picks

San Bernardino County Republican Party Chairman Bill Postmus today announced the Republican Central Committee’s endorsements for 62 candidates and measures on the November 7 ballot.

Click here to see the list.

"We received requests from more than 80 candidates, an unprecedented number," Postmus said. "Every year our party is getting more and more successful at helping Republicans get elected to local office, and the demand for our support has grown every election."

Those candidates endorsed by the county party are included in its voter contact programs, including direct mail, telephone calls, and precinct walks. Since 2000, 85% of GOP-endorsed candidates have won their respective races. Thanks in part to the GOP’s voter contact programs and heavy Get-Out-The-Vote efforts, cities such as Fontana and Ontario, traditionally Democrat strongholds, have been swung to the Republican column.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Angelides and Iraq, The President’s Approval Ratings, and GOP Prospects

Democrat elected officials and candidates just slay me sometimes. They consider themselves intellectually and morally superior than all of society, yet their political strategies are just idiotic. Now Phil Angelides, probably the worst Statewide candidate ever fielded by the Democrats, has finally found his issue – the Iraq war! Yes! That will do it! What genius!

Memo to Democrats: you ran on the Iraq war in 2004 and lost. You are running on the Iraq war in 2006 and aregoing to lose again.

The President’s poll numbers, in my judgment, are not about any one issue. His 9-11 tribute speeches, falling gas prices, and hysterical rhetoric from the left are all important, but not the main reason his approval ratings are up. Here’s the reason:

He’s on OFFENSE. Republicans are so desperate to see their elected officials on offense, rather than the usual backpedaling, that the base gets very fired up when we go on the attack. If we stay on offense through election day, the election cycle will go well.

GOP prospects across the country rise and fall beginning with what is… Read More