Posted by Barry Nestande at 12:00 am on Oct 03, 2006 2 Comments
When Brad Hudson was hired as city manager of Riverside, many of
us knew something was going to happen. The guy can’t
sit still. Really. In a conversation, he’s moving
around, tapping his fingers, shuffling his feet, and just …doing
stuff. With most it would be annoying, but Brad is so
competent and you can tell he really is listening to you, so you
accept it and carry on. In his previous role as head of the
county’s redevelopment agency, Brad set a great example for how
redevelopment should be utilized.
For years, Riverside seemed stagnant. The same council had
been together for far too many years and seemed to have run out of
new ideas. Four years ago, two newly elected council members,
Frank Schiavone and Ed Adkison shook things up. They even
earned a local acronym, FRED. Their efforts led to a
nearly total turnover on the council, and the outster of the
old city manager, and the hiring of Hudson, among many other
Tonight Riverside’s citizens will get a glimpse of a plan titled
"Riverside Renaissance," and I think it has been a long time
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