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Mike Spence

McPherson keeps running up the score.

The Sacramento Bee endorsed Bruce McPherson over the weekend. Today the Pasadena Star News (which also is the same for the San Gabriel Valley Tribune and the Whitter Daily News) also endorsed his bid for election. Bruce McPherson is clearly doins great job cleaning up the scandal ridden office of Secretary of State. See editorial here.Read More

Riverside County Republican Endorsements

Jeff Miller has done a great job since replacing the soon to be Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries as Chairman of the Riverside County Republican Party. Jeff really understands the role the county party should play and how to get it there.

He says, "The party has endorsed its largest slate of candidates in its history, by far – 50. In addition, the party plans to complete its Victory Plan through a multi-stage volunteer led campaign that will also include the entire statewide slate of candidates and causes. To date we have raised and spent more money than in most election cycles and stand poised to have the party truly begin to play a lead role in the future of the county."

That attitude is important because as a strong Republican county, Riverside hastwo huge responsibilities – to raise money and turn out the vote.

Attached is the list of endorsed candidates.… Read More

Brandon Powers

Legislature Raises Per Diem

Because they were really worth every penny of it before, today the Assembly Rules Committee announced that daily per diem has gone up from $153 to $162.

Apparently, legislators needed more incentive to show up in the morning and do nothing (not that in any way am I encouraging them to work any harder at coming up with new and creative ways of eroding our freedoms).… Read More

Duane Dichiara

The Heart and Soul of the GOP

As noted by others who aremore observant of national trendsthan me,a new fightfor the heart and soul of the Republican Party is well underway. The combatants are the BigGovernment Republicanswho have dominated Congress and the Presidency post Clinton and post Gingrich v. the resurgent Good Government Reformers.

Congressman Brian Bilbray (disclosure: a client of Coronado Communications) made a pretty good argument for the Reformers’ position last week in the North County Times:

Changing Culture Requires Real Reform by: CONGRESSMAN BRIAN BILBRAY

San Diegans believe that the accountability and transparency they expect from their elected leaders has been replaced by backroom deals. When I left Congress in 2001, Congress had a balanced budget and a $155 billion surplus. Today, that surplus has turned into a $296 billion budget deficit. We need budget reform, and Congress must balance the books.

For months, the American people have been waiting for Congress to follow through on the promise to bring more transparency and accountability to the budget and earmark process. Congress has responded by taking a few first steps in the right… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Vote no on everything, the Founders Would be Proud

This November, there are many reasons to vote no on most of the initiatives that will be presented to California’s voters. Proposition 1C sells bonds for housing. This is one where I say let the feds handle it—if they are stupid enough to keep HUD’s doors open—let them run low income housing projects. Not only won’t we have to pay for it through bonds, but fewer and fewer people will want to live in these projects and be motivated to get out. Proposition 1 D sells bonds for education, didn’t we just pass one of those? Proposition 86 is brilliant. Tax poor people (who make up the majority of smokers) and use the money to fund their healthcare. The more intellectually honest approach to the health concerns that surround smoking would be to banRead More

Vote no on everything, the Founders Would be Proud

This November, there are many reasons to vote no on most of the initiatives that will be presented to California’s voters. Proposition 1C sells bonds for housing. This is one where I say let the feds handle it—if they are stupid enough to keep HUD’s doors open—let them run low income housing projects. Not only won’t we have to pay for it through bonds, but fewer and fewer people will want to live in these projects and be motivated to get out. Proposition 1 D sells bonds for education, didn’t we just pass one of those? Proposition 86 is brilliant. Tax poor people (who make up the majority of smokers) and use the money to fund their healthcare. The more intellectually honest approach to the health concerns that surround smoking would be to ban the practice allRead More

Bustamante Cruzing Downward

In tune with my commentary today, I want to highlight another item in the Los Angeles Daily News, an excellent op-ed by Jill Stewart on the decline of Cruz Bustamante and his chances for Insurance Commissioner.

An exerpt:

"…Bustamante, who made a fool of himself in the 2003 recall, is at it again in his bid for the wonky but powerful job of insurance commissioner.

"Instead of focusing on specific issues involving the vast auto, health and workers’ compensation industries, he spent months on a personal weight-loss crusade, with a Web site exhorting us to ‘Get active. Side effects include more energy, decreased stress, increased confidence, more compliments.’

"Who isRead More

Today’s Commentary: Governor, Now That The Legislative Session Is Over, Campaign For Down Ticket Republicans

Following up on FR Bay Area Correspondent Jennifer Nelson’s illustrative commentary yesterday morning, I’m going to reveal my observations about the end of the legislative session and the activities of the Governor’s pen.

At the top of the main page today is a story by the Los Angeles Daily News titled "Governor kills fewer measures." In it, the Daily News declares that the Governor only vetoed twenty-two percent of the bills that reached his desk this year, a startlingly low percentage of vetoes for a Republican governor with a Democrat legislature.

An exerpt:

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