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A Short Commentary

I assure you this will probably be the shortest commentary you’ll ever see written by me, a guy who struggles with brevity.

Yes, I know Perata and Nunez not following up on their promise to campaign with the Governor on the bonds is at the top of the main page. I felt it was newsworthy, but I’ve stopped getting enraged when Democrats don’t do what they’ve promised. In most cases, it’s presumed.

Yes, I know the President’s in town. There were plenty of stories published today about his many stops. It’s routine campaign fundraising. There weren’t any groundbreaking policy announcements.

Yes, I know the Angelides campaign plans to release the remainder of the Arnold Unplugged audio recordings, but, true to form, they’ve completely missed their window of opportunity to tar and feather. The story’s been written. It’s gone. Few people cared.

The one point of this commentary is this: visit and read… Read More

“Countdown” Calls Former FR Blogger Jason Roe “Worst Person In The World”

And Roll Call says he’s the, "Worst Pretty Boy In The World."

Former FR D.C. Correspondent Jason Roe who is Florida Congressman Tom Feeney‘s COS had some hilarious ink spilled at his expense this morning.

Here’s the article from Roll Call (password required): Worst Pretty Boy in the World Obviously, Keith Olbermann, host of MSNBC’s “Countdown,” doesn’t know how narcissistic Congressional Chief of Staff Jason Roe is. When Olbermann gave Roe his nightly “Worst Person in the World” award Friday night, Roe wasn’t upset in the slightest, he just hoped he looked hot if the show aired aRead More

Riverside Renaissance

When Brad Hudson was hired as city manager of Riverside, many of us knew something was going to happen. The guy can’t sit still. Really. In a conversation, he’s moving around, tapping his fingers, shuffling his feet, and just …doing stuff. With most it would be annoying, but Brad is so competent and you can tell he really is listening to you, so you accept it and carry on. In his previous role as head of the county’s redevelopment agency, Brad set a great example for how redevelopment should be utilized.

For years, Riverside seemed stagnant. The same council had been together for far too many years and seemed to have run out of new ideas. Four years ago, two newly elected council members, Frank Schiavone and Ed Adkison shook things up. They even earned a local acronym, FRED. Their efforts led to a nearly total turnover on the council, and the outster of the old city manager, and the hiring of Hudson, among many other changes.

Tonight Riverside’s citizens will get a glimpse of a plan titled "Riverside Renaissance," and I think it has been a long time coming.

The article is attached below… Read More

FR EXCLUSIVE: CBS News Trying To Torpedo GOP

[This will be the only post about Congressman Foley from me on the FlashReport. He’s not from California and his actions have little to do with public policy. Foley is a dangerous and gruesome pedophile who will no doubt meet poetic justice, punished to the fullest extent by the laws he helped craft. As far as I’m concerned, Foley and his accomplices were/are a matter for law enforcement. No one’s debating that oversight of the Congressional page program must be substantially increased if it is to continue. – NR]

A friend of mine in California who was a Congressional page forwarded me an email inquiry from a CBS News "with Katie Couric" reporter fishing around for dirt on the page program, most likely in an attempt to continue the blather about a Republican cover-up.

Here’s the email:

From: Strickler, Laura Sent: Monday, October 02, 2006 8:55 AM To: XXXXXXX Subject: Request for InformationGreetings I am an InvestigativeRead More

Today’s Commentary: “The Republicans are coming!”

Those of you who choose to read the FlashReport over the weekends will recall on Sunday morning I pleaded for the Governor to start campaigning on behalf of our down ticket Republican candidates after another major poll put his re-election at almost certain. Well, San Jose State just released another poll’s results with Schwarzenegger, again, in a double digit lead. McClintock is leading Garamendi by one point in a recently released LA Times poll and the action superstar (as much as it might pain me, a conservative, to say) could have a solidifying effect on this race. The Sacramento Bee has acknowledged the McClintock groundswell. The other Republicans on the ticket are in very similar situations. And I don’t seem to be the only one who has noticed.

With sincere humility, it seems the infamousRead More

“The Republicans are coming!”

Those of you who choose to read the FlashReport over the weekends will recall on Sunday morning I pleaded for the Governor to start campaigning on behalf of our down ticket Republican candidates after another major poll put his re-election at almost certain. Well, San Jose State just released another poll’s results with Schwarzenegger, again, in a double digit lead. McClintock is leading Garamendi by one point in a recently released LA Times poll and the action superstar (as much as it might pain me, a conservative, to say) could have a solidifying effect on this race. The Sacramento Bee has acknowledged the McClintock groundswell. The other Republicans on the ticket are in very similar situations. And I don’t seem to be the only one who has noticed.

With sincere humility, it seems the infamousRead More

Congressman John Campbell

Final Week of Session

Congress adjourned at about 20 minutes after midnight Saturday morning. Both the House and Senate wrapped up work meeting the deadline set by a predetermined adjournment date. This past week was the last chance to pass legislation until Congress returns in late November for a lame duck session.

In my experience, legislative bodies are like attorneys, accountants (I am one of those too) and college students during final exams. Theyput off lots of work until a deadline forces them to do it. Congress is no different. In the last week, nearly 100 bills were passed in the House. You probably heard or read about the most significant legislation that passed both houses this week and was sent to the president for signature.These bills included the military tribunal bill, the terrorist surveillance bill, or the multiple pieces of border security legislation including a fence that passed.I will write moreRead More

Mike Spence

United Teachers of Los Angeles Declares War on Israel

The UTLA fresh from making a deal that undermines student acheivement in LA’s schools has a new target. Israel. The UTLA Human Rights Committee is sponsoring a meeting of the radical leftistLAchapter of theMovement for a Democratic Society. (Noam Chomsky is on their National Board)The puropose is to identify and boycott goods and investment in the State of Israel.

The big question for the UTLA is this helps kids read how????

The bigger questions is. The State forces teachers to pay union dues to the UTLA because???

The good news is there is an organization that helps teachers that care about kids more than politics. Their goal is to make sure teachers understand their rights. It is called the The California Teachers Empowerment Network. You can see their site here.

Here is the email sent to me from a LA teacher

Please join the Los Angeles Chapter of Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) in launching a local boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign in support of the Palestinian people. WHEN ? Saturday,Read More