Who Are These People?
Conservatives for Correa? Rumor is a group of disenchanted Republican “Conservatives” are joining together in order to form an organization called “Conservatives for Correa”. Note to prospective members of this new and wonderful club: you are now entering the realm of what the Communist Party Bosses used to call “Useful Fools”.
But before I start digging let me make the following disclosure: I worked in and around the Assembly for the whole of the time Lynn Daucher served. She is probably the one Republican member I can state without reservation that I have exchanged almost no social time with. I spent a couple of hours with her on 9-11 (which hardly drew the kind of banter where you get to know someone’s cut) and maybe a few words here or there. To me, for the most part, she is literally just votes on a list.
And so is Correa. I couldn’t (and hopefully won’t have to) pick him out of a line-up. Just votes on a list. And watching those votes over the years I’ll argue without hesitation that while I disagree with Assemblywoman Daucher from time to time, and maybe more often than that, there is in my… Read More