County Approves Jessica’s Law-Related Ordinance
Supervisors today made San Bernardinothefirst county to approve ameasurefurthering the provisions ofJessica’s Law (Prop. 83) byunanimously givinginitial approval toa proposedordinanceby SupervisorsBill Postmus andGary Ovitttoexpand onsex-offendercontrol protections in the statewide initiative.
The County’s ordinance,scheduled for final adoption on Election Day, November 7,would prohibit sex offenders from residing within 2,000 feet of a daycare center and within one-half mile of a school. It would alsocreate 300-foot "Predator-Free Zones" around schools and parks inunincorporated areas.
In April,Postmus and Ovitt created a Child Safety Task Force to encourage municipalities and county departments to prepare to implement local-government provisions of Prop. 83.Postmus said the ordinanceis a result of that effort. He added thatit wasdrafted in a format to allow cities,where mostcitizens reside, toeasily be able to provide their residents suchincreased… Read More