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Dan Schnur

Computing The Schwarzenegger Coattail Index: A Guide to the Downticket Races

by FR State Capitol Correspondent Dan Schnur


Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. So if you’re a California Democrat contemplating electoral apocalypse and you’ve already reconciled yourself to the idea that Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to be re-elected next month, you’re probably just beginning to confront a downticket dilemma that’s almost as frustrating:

McClintock or Strickland.

If you’re a California Democrat and you’re still mad about the special election, but you’ve come to term with the idea that another four years of Arnold won’t be that bad as long as he continues to compromise with the legislature on everything but taxes and illegal immigration, and you were never that wild about Phil Angelides anyway so it’s time to start thinking about Villaraigosa or Newsom or O’Connell (or Obama or Gore or Hillary), you’ve still got an unpleasant decision to face in the meantime:

Strickland or McClintock.

Of course you’ll vote against both Tom McClintock for… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Radanovich Opponent Sued For Fraud – Time for Bee to eat crow?

The crack investigative team at the FlashReport has uncovered documents (attached below for your perusal) showing that political upstart and congressional candidate, Terrance J. (“T.J.”) Cox, was sued for fraud in Texas before moving to California four years ago. Cox is the latest Democrat to challenge popular Republican Congressman George Radanovich in the Central Valley. However, unlike previous challengers, Cox has already lent his campaign more than $500,000. According to court records filed by Atkins Production Services, Inc. in Tarrant County, Texas, Cox “manipulated and cooked the books of his companies to fraudulently sell the businesses and fraudulently obtain an inflated price for the businesses.”

In addition to Cox, others named in the August 1, 2002 suit were T.J. Cox, Inc. and The Framing Solution, two companies owned by Cox while living in Texas. The suit was filed shortly after Cox moved to California and charged that Cox falsified records when he told the new owner his businesses were… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Big Trouble for Moonbeam?

This just came over the trasem… MEDIA ADVISORY WHAT: Tom Del Beccaro, Chair of the Contra Costa Republican Party and Mark Pruner, Chair of the Yolo County Republican Party, will be holding a press conference to discuss their filing of a lawsuit that seeks declaratory relief that Jerry Brown is ineligible to serve as Attorney General, because he does not meet the minimum qualifications for the office as set forth in California law and injunctive relief directing Registrars of Voters not to count ballots cast for Brown due to his ineligibility. WHERE: In front of the Superior Court for Sacramento County, 720 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California WHEN: 10:30 AM, Thursday, October 19, 2006Read More

Barry Jantz

SD Lincoln Club Changes Brewing

San Diego Lincoln Club Executive Director Chris Niemeyer, largely responsible — with the support of his board — for taking the organization to a new level in recent years (see Duane Dichiara’s post of last December), is leaving for other pastures.I say "other," not "greener," in that my guess is Chris loves the political work, but also knows he’s capable of doing very well financially in the "real private" sector. He is right. The word is that Chris wants to take a stab at being a political donor, not just an operative. Good for him.

I wish him very well.

The rest of the inside word is that after running through about a half-dozen applicants, the list of replacements has been narrowed to two, a Republican legislative aide in San Diego (who will remain nameless for the present), and a local political consultant (who…yeah, yeah…I gotta keep this one nameless too).

My understanding is that the Lincoln Club may make a final selection tomorrow. More to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

NYC Mayor wants higher taxes – in California!

According to Shane Goldmacher over at Capitol Weekly, New York’s nominally Republican Mayor – who was elected on a “no new taxes” platform – has donated $250,000 to pass a new tax here in California – on cigarretes.

Billionaire Bloomberg is now officially a jerk. Who does this? Who pledges not to raise taxes in his own city, but finances a campaign to raise them elsewhere?

Bloomberg’s had a couple of appearances with Governor Schwarzenegger. No more, please. Time to roll up the red carpet!… Read More

Mike Spence

Why I’m Voting NO on State Supreme Court Justice Carol A. Corrigan

This hopefully will be my last post on Judges (Please stop cheering) I’ve written about why we should vote NO on State Supreme Court Justice Kennard, my picks for LA County Superior Court Seats and how I’m voting on LA’s Appellate judges.

Finally, there is Carol Corrigan. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently appointed her to the State Supreme Court. Corrigan was appointed just after the Susan Kennedy debacle and some were relieved that she was at least registered Republican. Conservatives know that being a Republican isn’t necessarily good. (Souter, Stevens and Ron George here in CA)

Almost immediatelythere signs of some problems. She said the she admired the judicial philosophy of Sandra Day O’Conner. (I would like someone to tell me what that is; to me it is I know better… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lou Correa’s Risky Vote

[This item is cross-posted on the O.C. Blog]

If I am State Senate President Don Perata, I am wincing this morning over news account that my Democrat nominee in my #1 ‘defend’ seat in the entire State has just cast a politically perilous vote. Orange County Supervisor Lou Correa is in the last month of what will be a hard-faught battle to win election to California’s 34th State Senate District. This seat was once reliably Republican (last held by former Senate Republican Leader Rob Hurtt) and then shifted to the Democrat column where it has been occupied by Joe Dunn these past eight years. Due to strong efforts by the Orange County Republican Party, Republican registration evened up with Democrats (despite the gerrymander) and has ultimately settled with Democrats having only a two point advantage. The Republican Party nominee for this seat is Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher. Electing Daucher to the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Can you surf the web on your PDA? Request for help.

Our crack team of FR programmers over at Cloudspace have finished their first pass at re-programming the FR’s main page, Commentary page and Blog page to be PDA ‘friendly’ — and I would like to ask any FR readers who use their PDA’s to look at the FR (or who can) to check it out and see how navigation works on these pages of the site, and let me know. Thanks!… Read More