Why Are Democrats So Conflicted Over Parental Notification?
Yesterday there was an interesting story published in the New York Sun (of all places) about Senator Hillary Clinton (D – NY) recording an automated phone message in opposition to Proposition 85, the statewide parental notification measure on the ballot in November. A quarter of a million people received the "it takes a village" woman’s phone call.
According to the article (I didn’t receive a recorded message so I can’t corroborate), Clinton said, "We are opposed because 85 will put our most vulnerable teens at risk — teens who may already be endangered by negligent or even abusive homes. We can do better. Let’s work together to protect all our children."
But abusive homes have nothing to do with the measure Mrs. Clinton and you know that.
Notification is notification. Notification isn’t a veto. Common sense dictates that parents should be notified if their daughter is… Read More