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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Labor Unions Go After Rexroad Personally For His Political Work For Strickland, and Team 2006!

FR friend Matt Rexroad is one of California’s most capable political consultants. He has worked in many capacities in political campaigns and in government offices. Currently he is a partner with Meridian Pacific, and in that capacity, he is playing a very hands-on role in GOP campaigns. Most recently, Matt has become involved in helping to quarterback some major independent efforts to help Tony Strickland become the next Controller. This is in addition to his direct efforts on behalf of Bruce McPherson’s campaign for Secretary of State, and a host of other conservative causes.

Believe it or not, while he doing all of this, and being a great husband and father, Matt is on the City Council of his home town of Woodland, and is running a hard-fought race for Yolo County Supervisor. His platform is one of property rights, fiscal… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Labor Unions Go After Rexroad Personally For His Political Work For Strickland, and Team 2006!

FR friend Matt Rexroad is one of California’s most capable political consultants. He has worked in many capacities in political campaigns and in government offices. Currently he is a partner with Meridian Pacific, and in that capacity, he is playing a very hands-on role in GOP campaigns. Most recently, Matt has become involved in helping to quarterback some major independent efforts to help Tony Strickland become the next Controller. This is in addition to his direct efforts on behalf of Bruce McPherson’s campaign for Secretary of State, and a host of other conservative causes.

Believe it or not, while he doing all of this, and being a great husband and father, Matt is on the City Council of his home town of Woodland, and is running a hard-fought race for Yolo County Supervisor. His platform is one of property rights, fiscal… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

“Come on..he’s French…”

That’s Jerry Brown’s explanation for Jacques Barzaghi’s sexual harassment of an Oakland City Hall female employee during Brown’s tenure as mayor. Barzaghi was Brown’s longtime political aide, confidante and roommate who ended up leaving Brown’s employ and the country in 2004 after spousal abuse charges surfaced (sexual harassment charges just earned him a cut in pay).

Former Oakland City Hall employee Nereyda Lopez-Bowden, who says she was harassed by Barzaghi, held a press conference today in Sacramento with Sen. Chuck Poochigian. Lopez-Bowden contacted the campaign because she wanted to speak out after she was outraged by the Brown campaign’s claim that the Mayor handled the scandal "professionally." This was the first time… Read More

Brandon Powers

A Million Here, A Million There

Yesterday I posted about a million dollar Independent Expenditure ad buy that the Indians had put togetherfor Tony Strickland, and about a ~$66,000 initial buy that some high-tech business folks had done for him.

Today, the other $934,000 of that buy came through.

Given his almost 1.5 : 1 advantage in slates, now $2 million in tv, Arnold’s coattails, and how close this race has been all along, Tony has to be considered the favorite coming down the stretch.… Read More

Brandon Powers

New Poizner Spot Airing Statewide

While Cruz Bustamante can’t seem to scrape togetherenough nickels to keep from having to continueto pullads off the air, Steve Poizner today went up with another newad – a good comparison spot highlighting some great newspaper quotes on the differences between the candidates.… Read More

California Republican Lawyers Association Announces Judicial Endorsements

The influential California Republican Lawyers Association has announced its endorsements for the retention votes for appellate judges. Judicial elections in California are often well below the radar screen and many voters have no idea who they are voting for. In fact, many people tell me that they often do not vote in judicial elections because they know so little about the judges on the ballot.

The CRLA endorsement list (below) is helpful because not only does it provide the CRLA’s weight to identifying judges worthy of Republican support but it provides the Governor who appointed the particular judge.

Here is the text of the CRLA press release and the endorsements:


Dear Fellow Republican:

Every year Republican voters complain about the lack of information regarding Judges appearing on their ballots. In an attempt to provide Republican voters with the information they need, the California Republican Lawyers Association have prepared a list of Justices that we recommend.

It is important to point out that in preparing this list we have researched judicial opinions,… Read More

Mike Spence

California Pro-Life Leader in Middle of Tennesee Senate Race

If you have been around the Capitol, you know Brian Johnston. He is the Western Director of the National Right to Life Committee and Executive Director of the California ProLife Council.

The last two days have been wild in Tennessee. And Brian was caught on film as one of the two Pro-lifers trying to attract attention to Democrat Harold Ford’s abortion position. Ford has a bad record but is portraying himself as pro-life. Controversy erupted when some people thought that Ford’s father called Brian and the director of Tennessee Right to Life a "cracker". It went nationwide. They claim now it was "tracker". You can see the story here and check out the video here.Read More

Will Angelides Follow The Howard Dean Pension Plan?

Two things in Phil Angelides’s uninspiring resume jump out at me as he appears at hisgazillionth "Democrat Unity" event today with screaming presidential wannabe Howard Dean. One isthat Angelides just loves to hang out deep down with the labor unions’ pocket lint. And two, he has been repeatedly and inaccurately attacking Governor Schwarzenegger over public employees’ pensions. The latter is where Howard Dean comes in.

As governor of Vermont in 1995, Howard Dean pilferedseven million dollars from state pension funds –five million dollars from a teachers’ pension fund andtwo million dollars from a state employees’ fund. (Those are big numbers in a small northeastern state like Vermont.) Dean skirted having to pay for pensions and health benefits for state employees by capping thenumber of state employees and instead hiring contractors.And he used the money garnered by these maneuvers to help close the state’s budget deficit.

Phil Angelides holds Howard Dean up as an example of the kind of Governor he’d like to be. By… Read More