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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Prop 90’s Nationwide Audience

Fox’s Hannity and Colmes featured Prop 90 heroine Mimi Walters on their focus on property rights and victims of private property takings abuse by government the other night. See an excerpt of Prop 90 State Chair, Assemblywoman Mimi Walters at the www.90yes.comhome page.… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Prop. 209, Ethnic Discourse on Campuses, My Journey to Politics

Over the weekend, FR San Diego Correspondent Duane Dichiara posted a fascinating and necessarily lengthy recounting of his origins in the Republican Party and I mentioned in the morning FlashReport email our readers receive that I would probably post on UC President Dynes’s efforts to repeal Proposition 209, the voter-approved statewide measure that eliminated race as an admissions criteria in the UC system (among other places). Unfortunately, graduate school duties frustrated my plans, but I didn’t lose interest.

I refer to Dichiara’s post at the opening of this commentary because Proposition 209 and college campus ethnic relations issues are the reason I am in politics today. I grew up knowing I was a Republican and why. I will be the first to grant my parents are responsible for that. But I wasn’t involved in politics until I went to college and was struck by the high level ofethnic consciousness present there.

What was the… Read More

Prop. 209, Ethnic Discourse on Campuses, My Journey to Politics

Over the weekend, FR San Diego Correspondent Duane Dichiara posted a fascinating and necessarily lengthy recounting of his origins in the Republican Party and I mentioned in the morning FlashReport email our readers receive that I would probably post on UC President Dynes’s efforts to repeal Proposition 209, the voter-approved statewide measure that eliminated race as an admissions criteria in the UC system (among other places). Unfortunately, graduate school duties frustrated my plans, but I didn’t lose interest.

I refer to Dichiara’s post at the opening of this commentary because Proposition 209 and college campus ethnic relations issues are the reason I am in politics today. I grew up knowing I was a Republican and why. I will be the first to grant my parents are responsible for that. But I wasn’t involved in politics until I went to college and was struck by the high level ofethnic consciousness present there.

What was the… Read More

Mike Spence

US Senate Candidate Dick Mountjoy releases media ads

Remember the amazingtelevisionads that Bill Jones aired against Barbara Boxer?

Oh wait, there weren’t any.

Retired State Senator Dick Mountjoy has released television and radio ads. The ads deal with immigration and are hard hitting.

Here is one line

"Since 9-11 more Americans have been killed at the hands of illegal immigrants than died in the terrorist attacks and the war in Iraq combined… (4700… by drunk drivers… 4300… by violent crime)."

Dick is after all an Immigration Reform Consultant and on immigration understands the problem. He authored Prop. 187 and was on this issue long befor many politicians realized it was a problem.

The ads will air on cable TV and radio.. You can check out theads by clicking link here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

1966: Team Reagan & Finch
2006: Team Arnold & Tom

40 years ago today, Californians held an election for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. The winners that day were none other than the team of Ronald Reagan and Robert Finch. Finch went on to be named Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare by President Richard Nixon in 1966. Of course, Governor Reagan was re-elected in 1970, and went on to be elected President of the United States in 1980, and re-elected to another four years in 1984.

Next week, there will once again be an opportunity for Californians to elect a Republican Team to the positions of Governor and Liuetenant Governor. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom McClintock are our "Reagan and Finch" this year!… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Levee Levies, and Blaming Which Governor?

Dan Walters had a column in the Sac Bee yesterday highlighting some of the reasons why levees and flood control systems are not up to par. Governor Schwarzenegger is given due credit for declaring emergency conditions on the then 29 critical erosion sights, that number growing after receded waters and a summer spent surveying, discovered many more…over 100 and counting. $190 million in emergency funds plus $500 million more in an appropriation we passed in the legislature will carry us past the funding needed for the 100 critical erosion sights.

Dan points out that beyond fixing eroded sights also required isfixing the way government engages the problem. He lists several reasons that may be problematic but the fact that environmental extremists blocklong term flood control work is the point that is not discussed much in polite company.

Building new homes in flood plains is listed as an issue. Not mentioned is that new housing is needed and demanded and due to environmental concerns, land to build homes elsewhere is rare and difficult to obtain due to fairy shrimp, vernal pools, meadowfoam, and other… Read More

Brandon Powers

Strickland Campaign Up On TV

Tony Strickland is beating his opponent, former IRS attorney John Chiang, in all aspects of their campaign.

First, he beat Chiang in the critical slate battle, having maneuvered to appear on about 50% more slates than Chiang.

Now, Strickland has beat Chiang up onto the air for a final TV blitz.

Tony is up with two good “bookend” spots (15-second, as opposed to 30-second ads to get more bang for the buck), one even featuring an endorsement from Rudy Guliani.

Tony’s campaign tells me that the ads have started in the LA market, and will stay up until Election Day. And, even with the plethora of IE’s playing in this race, Tony’s will be the ONLY ads in the Controller’s race to play in the LA market – which makes up some 40% of the electorate.

Plans are for the ads to spread further throughout the state.

That’s where FlashReport leaders can make a difference.

The ads will only spread as far as Tony has money to air them. And as Tony likes to say on the stump, his campaign is fully funded –… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bruce McPherson hits the Airwaves

In his new television spot, Secretary of State Bruce McPherson pushes on an issue that definately separates him from his opponent — he supports having to show valid ID to vote, and she doesn’t. Check out the spot here: … Read More