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Jon Fleischman

Who is accountable? Misleading CRP Voter Guide is used to further mislead GOP voters!

I am really not sure of exactly how the California Republican Party’s voter guide came out with omissions of party positions, and inclusion of positive statements about measures on which the party has no position.

The whole thing is troubling and it leaves one to conclude that somebody or somebodies made some subjective calls about which party positions were really important versus which ones were not. Now what criteria were used to determine what was left off, or what should have been left off that was actually included eludes me. Was it based on what interests had money and which ones did not? Because often times political parties will take principled positions for or against ballot measures, knowing that the position of the party may not have a financially well-off ally to help promote that position.

Anyways, in the California Republican Party voter guide, there is an entire page devoted to why Proposition 1D, the so-called Education Bonds, are a good idea. When it actually came to someone’s attention that the CRP membership did not vote to endorse 1D, instead of scrapping the mailing (which would have been a very expensive proposition),… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A tale of two Steves, or if you prefer, The Spinner and the Sinner

Wow – there’s spinning spinmeisters that shamelessly spin, and then there’s Steve Maviglio. He’s the master of trying to make really bad and embarrassing things that any Democrat does sound benign. He works really hard at it – facts be damned. Look at all he did for Gray Davis…, nevermind……the people of California saw through Steve’s hapless spin then and recalled his boss (How embarrassing for a spinner – wonder if that’s on his resume? He is pictured above to the left on the deck of the HMS Titanic.) Well, enough about how over the top Steve is, we all know he doesn’t have a real strong grasp of how things actually are because he’s blinded by partisanship. It’s his charm. It’s why we read his stuff. ‘Cause its funny.

Let’s look at one of his latest attempts at making lemonade out of lemons. Let’s call this the “Walt Ingalls was delightful company” spin.

As has been reported on the FlashReport,… Read More

Lt. Colonel/Assemblyman DeVore Returns Kerry’s Fire With Facts

I just received this email from Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, Vice-Chairman of the Assembly Veterans Affairs Committee and a Lieutenant Colonel in the Cal Guard:

Stuck in Iraq or foot stuck in mouth? Speaking yesterday at a rally for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides at Pasadena City College, Sen. John Kerry said, "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq." "Stuck in Iraq." Senator Kerry owes the men and women of the military an immediate apology and Phil Angelides should immediately distance himself from Kerry wrong-headed remarks, but, given Angelides’s call to pull the Guard out of Iraq AND offRead More

Everyone in politics needs to…

If you are in politics you need to have a HIGH RESOLUTION digital picture of yourself available on the Internet for easy access.

This is just one of those things I’ve have come to realize after dealing with independant expenditures every election cycle.

EXAMPLE: You are a city council member running for re-election. You are waging a decent campaign but could always use some extra help. Some key business leaders do a poll and find that while you are leading in the polls, you could use some support. Since I did the poll, they ask me to spend $50,000 on your behalf (a few mail pieces, buy some slates, perhaps some paid precinct walkers).

If your photo is not readily available I have a problem.

For that same reason, you should always have a current web page with your most recent CV and even some news clips and quotes on key issues… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Kerry’s Insult

So John Kerry’s defense of his reprehensible comment today is that he was really talking about the President’s education. Riiiiight. Let’s see, the President has a degree from…….oh yeah…..Yale! SoKerry means that a degree from Yale constitutes an inadequate education? Or did he really mean what he said?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sacramento Readers: Come meet FR Publisher Jon Fleischman tomorrow – before he ‘takes on’ Speaker Fabian Nunez and the President of the League of CA Cities!

I don’t know if there are any more seats available for what will certainly be a ‘must see’ event in Sacramento tomorrow — but FR Publisher Jon Fleischman will be one of three participants on a panel about the Big Bang Bonds package entitled, "California’s Future: What’s At Stake This November" — the other two panelists – Assembly Speak Fabian Nunez and Maria Alegria, the President if the League of California Cities. Nunez, of course, supported all of the bonds and voted for them — Alegria’s League of Cities has endorsed the entire infrastructure package as well. Moderating the ‘discussion’ will be Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy Institute of California, which is co-sponsoring this event along with the New America Foundation (longtime FR friend Dave Lesher is their California guy). The event is at the downtown Sacramento Sheraton from Noon – 1:30pm, and here is a link to the info. MEET THERead More

Jon Fleischman

Profound Disappointment

I am profoundly disappointed at the announcement made today by Arnold Schwarzenegger that he is opposed to Proposition 90, the Save Our Homes Initiative. All of those I know who have been supporting and working hard on the Governor’s reelection are strongly supporting 90. I’m sure they will all be equally dismayed. Some things just make you go, “Huh?”

That’s all I will say for now… As someone said (my mom?), if you don’t have something nice to say…… Read More

Weight Not The Only Thing Cruz Will Lose This Year

In an exclusive to the Flash Report, poll results to be released today show:

StevePoizner 45.7% Cruz Bustamante 29.6% Undecided 15.2% Cafiero 4.4% Ogden 4.0%

The poll was conducted by the venerable Jan van Lohuizen from October 26 – 30. The sample was 600 likely voters.

Helping todrive the figuresarehigh negatives for Cruz – 56.8% unfavorable to 28.2%favorable. In other words, almost 2 out of 3voters don’t like Cruz.

With 8 more days remaining the trendis strengtheningfor Steve Poizner.

Can’t wait to welcome him to Sacramento!.… Read More