Posted by Barry Nestande at 12:00 am on Nov 01, 2006 Comments Off on Garcia vs Clute, The Duel in the Desert
Bonnie Garcia and Steve Clute debated tonight on CBS Channel Two
in the Desert.
The program opened with a discussion of mudslinging and showed
an example of each candidates TV ads. No surprise, each
answered that they were focused on the opponent’s records, not
personal attacks.
Not trusting myself to give a fair and unbiased assessment of
this bout, I had recruited two other highly regarded and astute
political observers, one active Republican, one active
Democrat,to keep score on each topic point and on opening and
closing comments. Just like a boxing match. "The Duel in the
Desert." We watched seperately, then they sent their results
to me.
With opening remarks, 12 topic/issue questions, and closing
comments, there were 14 total points (rounds). I decided to
allow ties on each round, if necessary.
Questions included: spending limits, Megans Law,
carpetbagging, education, tribal compacts, Salton Sea restoration,
alternative energy, taxes and spending, and an are you
spiritual/religious question (both yes).
Judge 1 9 Garcia, 0 Clute, 5 Ties
Judge 29 Garcia, 2 Clute, 3
Judge… Read More