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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s John Fund on Walt Disney

A great piece from today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail:

The Real Walt Disney

Walt Disney died 40 years ago this month, but his work continues to leave a huge imprint on American culture. A new biography by Neal Gabler provides a definitive look at the man and his legacy, including fascinating glimpses into his role as an authentic conservative hero who would no doubt be horrified by some of the politically correct stands taken today by the company that bears his name.

As a Horatio Alger figure who built an entertainment empire from nothing, Disney was often celebrated as a great entrepreneur. He firmly believed that… Read More

Putting himself in play

The amateur political observer might look at a Rep. Duncan Hunter run for President and see a train wreck or more likely a train that won’t even make it out of the station.

But there is something to his campaign for Commander-in-Chief.

As a Member of Congress there are limitations on how he can impact broad public policy initiatives. But as a Secretary of Defense or National Security Advisor he would be in the big leagues. And that is where Rep. Hunter is likely aiming.

Look for Hunter to keep his rhetoric focused on issues and avoid personal attacks on any GOPer with a real shot at the top spot.

If he keeps his nose clean, head down, he could be the next CIA chief or whatever position of importance to national security in the next Republican Administration he wants.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR readers speaks up on Nancy Pelosi

Loyal FR friend and reader Mike German (pictured) ran against Nancy Pelosi at the GOP nominee in 2002. He sent in this tidbit about Nancy Pelso, which I wanted to share with you:

"I shake my head in disbelief every time some pundit or reporter newly tells "the Pelosi story." Leslie Stahl came close to getting at her true nature last week on 60 Minutes, but only scratched the surface. Well, maybe she did a good job after all, because surface is all there is with Li’l Nancy. Other than a talent for fundraising, and the occassional cleverRead More

Turd In Local Political Punch Bowl

Measure M is an initiative that would rezone a 2 mile by 0.5 mile area of land in the city of Indio, located 15 miles east of Palm Springs. The area is a transitional area between urban city and rural living, designated such by the city’s master plan. It’s a nice area. Big deal, right? Well, kinda.

First, campaign tactics: The set up istextbook smokescreen politics. They have a front man claiming to be the organizer of the effort, earning his angel wings, who just wants to clean up blight by allowing higher density to entice builders to build nice homes on these messy vacant lots. It’ll also bring in more upscale retail to provide more revenue for public safety, yadda, yadda, yadda. Then there’s the real organizer – a developer who is funding the thing and has some folks on the payroll mounting a big dollar effort,paid for by the developer.

The proponents have been mailing brochures and have pictures on the website of trash and debris, some of it they call "potential hazardous waste", in a lot next to an elementary school. Our children could get hurt, they claim. This is an example of what will get… Read More

Barry Jantz

Today’s Commentary: Duncan Hunter’s Seat: The Bench

News of Congressman Duncan Hunter’s likely announcement later this morning that he will form a presidential exploratory committee buzzed across the San Diego political landscape yesterday, turning an otherwise lazy Sunday into a day of much interest, with several political watchers sputtering and panting on the phone.

For those of us who live in Hunter’s district, a wide area of East San Diego County we sometimes call God’s Country, the news was even bigger.

It’s been twenty-six years since Duncan was first elected to Congress, knocking off Lionel Van Deerlin in a Reagan-led 1980 surprise.In all that time the conservative spirit of Ronald Reagan has been alive and well in Duncan Hunter.There are few people — and fewer politicians — that I would call great Americans.Duncan Hunter is among them.

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Barry Jantz

Duncan Hunter’s Seat: The Bench

News of Congressman Duncan Hunter’s likely announcement later this morning that he will form a presidential exploratory committee buzzed across the San Diego political landscape yesterday, turning an otherwise lazy Sunday into a day of much interest, with several political watchers sputtering and panting on the phone.

For those of us who live in Hunter’s district, a wide area of East San Diego County we sometimes call God’s Country, the news was even bigger.

It’s been twenty-six years since Duncan was first elected to Congress, knocking off Lionel Van Deerlin in a Reagan-led 1980 surprise.In all that time the conservative spirit of Ronald Reagan has been alive and well in Duncan Hunter.There are few people — and fewer politicians — that I would call great Americans.Duncan Hunter is among them.

I’ll let the rest of the print and electronic media, as well as the talk show hosts pontificate as to his chances, what’s really behind this, the impact on the presidential field, etc, etc (see today’s SDUTand the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Did you know that Indian Tribal Leaders are Racist?

Of course they aren’t! But check THIS out…

In case you were wondering WHY Indian Tribes are spending millions of dollars to elect Tony Strickland as California’s next Controller, you need wonder no longer. I just read a post by CMR guru Steve Maviglio, and apparently the answer is this — that the Indian Tribal leaders are racists. It isn’t that they support Strickland or his principled positions against big government and centralized bureacratic regulation of business. Apparently it isn’t really about Strickland at all. The Tribal leaders apparently hate Asians.

How embarrassing for Democrats, to have elected leaders like Assemblywoman Judy Chu actually out there implying that John Chiang’s race is a factor for, or against support of his candidacy. It’s the issues, Assemblywoman…… Read More

Mike Spence

Steve Clute Helped Get Highway named after Sex Offender

When Prop. 83 passes sex offenders will have tougher controls onthem. Former Assemblyman Steve Clute likes to name highways after them. He must be voting no.

Back in 1991 he got a law passed to honor a dead lawmaker who was caught doing George Michael kinds of things in parks and soliciting undercover police officers.

Ankle Bracelet NO! Highway naming YES!

The campaign of Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia has an ad about this. It isn’t just "hot" it is scorching. Here it isbelow.… Read More