Fresno Mayor Shows Up To Raised Eyebrows at This Weekend’s GOTV Push
Fresno Mayor Alan Autry is a friend of mine, but his politics are all over the board. In this election cycle, he is at odds with the Fresno County GOP and the Lincoln Club over his endorsement of left wing Sheriff Candidate Margaret Mims, and his support of the infrastructure bonds, which if passed and issued will plunge California into the fiscal abyss once again.
Sources tell me that the Mayor was an uninvited guest, and while those in attendance to get out the vote were cordial, there was a healthy bit of tension during the day, and he was quite deliberately left off of of the official program when dignitaries such and Tom McClintock and Chuck Poochigian were introduced.
Mayor, you’re a great guy – but the grassroots base of the local Party isn’t too happy with you right now. Being tone deaf in an election year isn’t smart politics, especially if you have future political ambitions.… Read More