Turnout At My Own Polling Place
Due to my compilation of the FlashReport today and the upkeep of relatively normal working hours, I was unable to vote before work as I have since college. I voted on my way home from work today. As of 5:57 PM, at my polling location (which serves two precincts totalling 1852 registrants) in very middle-class Irvine, turnout was 14.95% and 15.62% (15.28% total). Very low. The poll was on the ground floor in a retirement community, easily accessible to those high propensity elderly voters. There was a line of about twenty people behind me and I waited between ten and fifteen minutes to get my four-digit code for the machine.
This was probably all to be expected given that most people were just getting off of work. To be honest, I have no idea how Irvine usually stacks up against the rest of the state, but I’m sure one of our industrious readers could figure that out. I’m anxious to check the County Registrar’s website late tonight or tomorrow to see how many more voted after I took account of things.… Read More