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Imperial County, Republicans and Candidate Selection

A quick analysis of the 80th AD race reveals that Bonnie Garcia appears to be the ONLY Republican to have won in Imperial County. If this is incorrect, let me know.

This goes back to an oft spoken discussion on candidate selection and can have some implications on Republican chances throughout the state. Our candidates need to match the districts.

The smartest thing I think Rahm Emanuel did in winning the house, was to recruit candidates that matched the districts that they targeted. Take a look – football players, war veterans, he identified likenesses and put them in play. Of course thereare a host of other factors leading up to the changes, but the fact is the majority of the seats werewon by well selected candidates. Want to win a dog fight? Bring the better dog.

After some digestion of the election results, the discussions and analysis will begin. It will , in my judgement, be incomplete without a good look at candidate selection, capturing the middle decline to state and independent voters, andturning out our vote, both nationally and especially in California where there are 8 -9% less Republicans than… Read More

Brandon Powers

Diamond Bar’s Library Tax Fails

As I wrote about earlier, the City of Diamond Bar yesterday faced a decision on a new tax for a second library in their town.

In their earnest to get the measure passed, the City even forked over more than $20,000 on a survey that showed 75% initial support for Measure L.

However, as it required 2/3 support for passage, opponents decided to at least put up token opposition. Carefully written ballot statement… a few slates… token campaign gestures.

But towards the 11th hour, Assemblyman Huff – a strong opponent of the Library Tax – decided he wanted to go for broke and see if he couldn’t get a majority voting against the feel-good idea, despite the fact that it enjoyed well-funded support.

He was successful. Measure L failed.

Doing some of the mail and slate buys for the Assemblyman, I can tell you that we need more guys like him, who take ownership of what happens on their turf. Too… Read More

Mike Spence

To win statewide in California

How does one expain the loss of McClintock And McPherson? It can’t be ideology as these two thoughtful law makers have differing views on many issues. Both have run statewide and McPherson was an appointed respected incumbent.

One thought. In blue state California you need at least two things. A lousyDemocratic opponent (Angelides or Bustamante) and lots of cash (Arnold and Poizner). That is one threshold that for this cycle at least was very clear.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Put Away the Pedestals

For too long we have held our Members in Congress in too high of esteem. And for what? Their collective lack of leadership, self governance and accomplishments are the core reason for GOP losses yesterday. Well funded primary challengers are welcome for 2008. Richard Pombo, a fine man, fine leader, and ethically straight member went up in flames for a number of reasons, but let’s not ignore this – his strong suits of ag, water, natural resources and endangered species reform are a great fit for a Central Valley District, but they are Tier 2 issues that don’t motivateconservative turnout. Federal deficits, lack of immigration reform, new entitlement spending are all issues that must be worked on concurrently with District specific issues in order for a member in a marginal District to survive.Let’s put our pedestals away and rightfully ask – what are you doing about the big issues in our country?, before we re-elect anyone to Congress.… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Hats off to Ward Connerly and some words from Joe Justin

Ward Connerly and his team have won the hotly contested campaign to end racial preferences in Michigan. With the help of our own FR alum, Joe Justin, Proposal 2 passed by a huge margin, 58%-42% Despite the pile-on opposition by politicians, labor unions, businesses and the education establishment, the voters saw clearly that the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative was a straightforward, fair measure that simply called on government to treat people equally, without regard to their race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. Ten years after California voters passed the California Civil Rights Initiative, Prop. 209, Michigan voters got it right and passed their own ban on racial and gender preferences. Congratulations, Ward,… Read More

Post-Election Consensus Among Conservatives

Along with Jon’s commentary this morning and Assemblyman DeVore’s reflections comes this apt quote from former California Republican Party Chairman Mike Schroeder (highlighted in red on the main page) in the Orange County Register today:

"The Republican revolution that started in 1994 has run out of gas, and it needs a new voice and a new rationale,” said Michael Schroeder, a Newport Beach lawyer and former GOP state chairman who predicted this day. "I think that over the last couple of years the Republican base has been given very little reason to care whether or not the Republicans held the House."

The consensus among conservativesseems to bethat DemocratsRead More

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore’s Post-Election Analysis And Predictions

As part of a "thank you" to his supporters, Assemblyman DeVore sent along a synopsis and a Beltway prediction. He and I spoke a little over the phone yesterday morning. We shared our predictions (which were closely, if not entirely, aligned) and we lamented the state of the party. I think he and I both had much higher hopes for the Republican candidates for statewide constitutional offices. This was not an ideal result.

Well, here’s his message:

In California, it looks like a virtual status quo at the top, with Governor Schwarzenegger being reelected along with new Republican Insurance Commissioner, Steve Poizner. We lost the Secretary of State’s office, so our net was zero. In the State Senate, we are currently leading by 13 votes in the marginal Democrat 34th district in central Orange County. Picking up this seat would mark a positive shift in our ability to continue to block tax increases.

Other than this one potential shift, California’s legislative seats continue to be impacted by the partisan gerrymander that locked our districts into noncompetitive seats. California’sRead More

Orange County Round-up

Senate District 34 – DAUCHER is leading Correa by 13 votes. Stay tuned for the frenzy…

5th Supervisorial District – BATES won over DeYoung’s money 53% over 48%

Anaheim Mayor – PRINGLE easily wins re-election

Anaheim Council – Balance of power in question with Kring (a former councilmember) winning and Chavez an incumbent losing.

Costa Mesa Council – MANSOOR and LEECE win to solidify a conservative majority with Beaver who was not up for re-election.

Dana Point Council – Diane Harkey is the big winner without being on the ballot. She is on the council but was not up for re-election this year. Two of her candidates (BARTLETT and BISHOP) won giving her a governing majority. Incumbent Lacy lost.

Fullerton Council – Incumbent Wilson lost to to ultra-liberal KELLER shifting the balance of power in that city.

Garden Grove Council – BROADWATER easily won back a seat on the council after being termed out as mayor two years ago. KREBS also won re-election

Huntington Beach Council – Status quo as three endorsed… Read More