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Jon Fleischman

Do Republicans in DC get it?

There are a myriad of factors that go into why Republicans are at risk of losing both the United States Senate and the House of Representatives. I will leave it to the likes of Charlie Cook, Michael Barone, and Bob Novak to go into all of that.

I will just chime in my ten cents, because it goes to just one facet – lack of enthusiasm from conservatives because, at some point, the Republican charge of the Hill to reduce the size and scope of the federal government was replaced with something evil – growth in government at the hands of Republicans. The President and the leadership of both the Senate and House get to take the blame.

At some point, it no longer became the size of government that was "the problem" – rather, it was who was in charge. For a long time now, many conservatives (myself included) have been dismayed at watching "Rome burn" with Republican hands on the torches.

I don’t have enough finger-energy as I pen this on my Blackberry to write about the repeated disappointments, though to use just a few recent examples – we can look at the inability of a Republican Congress to pass the… Read More

LA Turnout Higher than 2002

There is always lots of "talk" about turnout on Election Day — this document has real numbers. The LA County Registrar is reporting slightly higher turnout in the first six hours of voting compared to 2002.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Angelides still doesn’t get it… Blind to the end.

Down to his last piece of communications to supports, Phil Angelides is still deluding himself. In a final e-mail to supporters (h/t CA Observer), Angelides is still trying to tie Arnold Schwarzenegger to President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.

How exactly do you connect THOSE dots, Mr. "Four more years of Arnold Schwarzenegger means four more years of Bush/Cheney/Schwarzenegger policies in California" Angelides?

Literally the only thing that I can think of is that, to the end, Phil Angelides is only concerned about one thing – raising taxes. If that is the case, then I guess he is right — Bush and Schwarzenegger both share a commitment to opposing tax increases.

But that is about it. Ideologically, stylistically, or geographically, there is very little similarity between the two — except that they are both Republicans.

But then, all Democrats are not alike either. There are… Read More

Barry Jantz

Meltdown San Diego?…ROV Under the Gun

(Dade County, CA) — The news reports of last week that the SD County Registrar of Voters had not ordered enough mail ballots eliciteda kind of "color me surprised" response from many political watchers.

It’s nice that photocopied versions were sent to those requesting ballots. What you may have missed, however, is that the information on the estimated-to-be-returned 5,000 photocopied mail ballots will have to transferred by hand to official ballots, so they can be run through the opti-scan vote counters.

Say what?! That’s right, the results of every up- and down-ticket race, every local office, and every statewide and local ballot measure for about 5,000 ballots will have to be recorded by hand.

And we thought hanging chads were bad.

As far as day-of-voting, the SDUT is already reporting technical glitches with many electronic voting machines. The line was long, but things seemed fine when I hit my polling placeat 7:15 a.m.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Chad’s question about Parrish’s MVP

FR friend Chad Morgan e-mailed, inquiring as to whom we would select as MVP for the Claude Parrish campaign? Well, first of all, there will not be MVP’s named for every race. But if there were, we would have a really tough time coming up with one for "Team Parrish" — especially since I couldn’t tell you the name of one person ON the team.

Seriously, though — I really could not say if there is a consultant or staff person for Parrish, who has run the least visible campaign I have ever seen by a statewide candidate from a major political party.

I will say this for Parrish, though, by way of expressing appreciation — his primary opponent, Assemblyman Keith Richman, declared war on his own political party with his rabid support of allowing Democrats to vote on who Republicans nominate in general elections.

We here at the FlashReport choose to view Parrish’s primary victory as a repudiation of Richman’s anti-Party stand.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Pooch’s MVP won with his aggressive style…

We’re almost through the the FlashReport Campaign MVP’s for this general election cycle. But they are only getting better! We’ve already seen Arnold’s MVP awarded to Katie Levinson, Tom’s MVP to Stan Devereux, and Tony’s MVP to Paul Hegyi. Now we are going to recognize someone who has been a key player in the campaign of Chuck Poochigian for Attorney General! And MVP is….

Pooch’s MVP – Kevin Spillane, Senior Consultant

The feistiest campaign waged by a down-ballot Republican has to be that of Senator Chuck Poochigian’s bid to be Attorney General. Facing two-term former Governor, 3-time former presidential candidate, former Secretary of State, former Democratic Party Chair and current Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown, Poochigian has gained national media notice for the aggressiveness, creativity and hard-hitting nature of his underdog campaign.

The widely respected and likeable… Read More

Duane Dichiara


Real low turnout in San Diego County… Read More

Jon Fleischman

In case you need a reason to vote for Bruce McPherson today, read this!

The Pacific Research Institute doesn’t advocate for particular candidates, but the FlashReport does — and after reading this column below penned by Vince Vasquez, you’ll probably want to make sure that Debra Bowen does NOT become your next Secretary of State:

The E-Facts of E-Voting

By Vince Vasquez. Pacific Research Institute Today, Californians from all walks of life will be able to vote with a phenomenal technology. Californians can also be confident with “e-voting,” despite the cries of fear-mongers and conspiracy theorists.

E-voting systems, also known as direct recording electronic (DRE) machines, employ easy-to-use touch screens and other high-tech devices to make voting simpler, safer, and more accessible for… Read More