Sunday San Diego
Tribute to Jay La Suer… It was a near-roast Friday night in Mission Valley as about 300 well-wishers said thanks to termed-out Assemblyman Jay La Suer. Senator Dennis Hollingsworth, Assemblyman Dennis Mountjoy and BOE Member Claude Parrishwere among those honoring Jay.
A Capitol-Watch highlights video ran interspersed with scenes from John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies, over-dubbed with Sergio Leone spaghetti-Western music. Some fun ensued over La Suer’s and Mountjoy’s unique, conservative alliance in Sacramento. Some lines from the evening:
Hollingsworth claimed that "the only vote Jay and Mountjoy ever disagreed on was tax breaks for domestic partners…Jay was for principle and Dennis was for practicality."
"You know how kids wear Superman pajamas to bed?" asked Mountjoy, "Well, Superman wears Jay La Suer pajamas to bed!"
About their shared house in Sacto, Mountjoy said "I didn’t know that I could ever live with a Sheriff…and Jay’s not justthe Sheriff when he’s on duty, he’s the Sheriff full… Read More