Orange Coast College Student Trustees Ban Pledge of Allegiance Before Meetings
The Newport-Mesa based Daily Pilot has a story on its website today about Orange Coast (Community) College Student Trustees voting three-to-one to eliminate the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance as a regular agenda item for its meetings. It’s now a Reuters story linked on Drudge. The Daily Pilot subtitle says the "under God" part was the impetus for the removal of the Pledge, but ifone read some of the student trustees’ own quotes, one would find more pernicious reasons.
"Some of the arguments made were that the idea of nationality is divisive, and on a diverse campus such as ours, there’s no reason to be divisive,"[Jason Ball]said. "Another argument was that people shouldn’t have to display loyalty to a country through public ritual on a regular basis. Another, of course, was… Read More