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Orange Coast College Student Trustees Ban Pledge of Allegiance Before Meetings

The Newport-Mesa based Daily Pilot has a story on its website today about Orange Coast (Community) College Student Trustees voting three-to-one to eliminate the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance as a regular agenda item for its meetings. It’s now a Reuters story linked on Drudge. The Daily Pilot subtitle says the "under God" part was the impetus for the removal of the Pledge, but ifone read some of the student trustees’ own quotes, one would find more pernicious reasons.

"Some of the arguments made were that the idea of nationality is divisive, and on a diverse campus such as ours, there’s no reason to be divisive,"[Jason Ball]said. "Another argument was that people shouldn’t have to display loyalty to a country through public ritual on a regular basis. Another, of course, wasRead More

Jon Fleischman

CCPOA on TV jumping the Gov

The state prison guard union is running TV spots jumping the Governor. (h/t to Cap. Weekly) You can see the spot below. The Governor will be addressing prison reform in the upcoming legislative session. … Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Mexican immigrants are like children?

Did I misunderstand him or did the governor just compare Mexican immigrants to children?

His point is exactly right–just because people yell for something doesn’t mean the rest of us have to give in. But I can’t imagine that Univision or La Opinion is going to be happy about his comparison of Mexican immigrants to his children. Probably about as happy as California Republicans are about his comments that it was time for "new blood" in Washington, D.C.

Here’s what the governor said, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle:

Asked what would be his message to the Mexican people, Schwarzenegger noted his visits to date from his movie and bodybuilding days… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Assembly Republicans Tap Villines to Lead Them Into New Session

ASSEMBLY REPUBLICANS RE-ORGANIZE; VILLINES OF FRESNO IS NEW LEADER It is traditional that within a couple of days of each General Election, the legislative caucuses in the State Assembly gather to formally elect their leadership for the coming session. The Democrats gathered and re-elected Speaker Fabian Nunez to lead the Assembly Democrats, and the institution as they are the majority Party. Assembly Republicans gathered yesterday afternoon for many hours, debating amongst themselves the future of California, and how to make Assembly Republicans most relevant in the process. Based on my understanding here is my 30,000 foot summary. Discussion centered around the best strategies to deal with the new paradigm in Sacramento, the change in political direction taken by Governor Schwarzenegger, and the challenges that Assembly Republicans had last year in being relevant… Read More

Barry Jantz

The Uninspired Republican Base

In California Political News, Steve Frank writes, "What wasn’t expected was the record low turnout of voters, mostly the GOP leaning counties. No wonder we lost so big. Where were the volunteers? How did we do so poorly in Republican Counties?" That question was preceded by Steve’s comment that Assembly Republicans were upset after being asked by leadership to "back a budget badly in deficit and bonds that were tributes to special interests." That just about answers the questions Steve poses.

I’ve never known deficit spending, big bonds and special interest commitments to be things that particularly excite the GOP base.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Republicans Tap Villines to Lead Them Into New Session

Preamble The position of the Republican Party is that state government is too big, and spends too much. That taxes should be cut, and many government-funded programs be eliminated. Families should be able to keep more of their tax dollars, to spend as they would see fit, not shipping them to Sacramento through high taxes and onerous fees, to be redistributed by politicians to their various causes. If everyone would ingrain that into their thinking on policy debates, then there would a better understanding about why Republicans in the legislature are not hip on drinking the ‘bipartisan’ Kool-aid being poured by Governor Schwarzenegger, Senator Perata and Speaker Nunez right now. You see, the Democrats are only willing to jump onRead More

Jon Fleischman

Larry McCarthy: Taxpayers are Big Winners as Four Tax-Grab Initiatives are Rejected

Larry McCarthy is the President of the California Taxpayers Association, and he has penned his thoughts on Tuesday’s election, and the message sent by California voters about tax increases…

Taxpayers were big winners in the 2007 General Election in California as four tax-grab ballot initiatives were defeated and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has vowed not to raise taxes, was re-elected. Voters not only gave the governor a vote of confidence in a campaign in which taxes were a major issue, but they sent a strong message by repudiating well-financed ballot initiatives promoted by hucksters who wanted to raise taxes by manipulating the initiative process for their own business or political interests.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Chafee’s Middle Finger – Nice

**Update: A loyal FR reader just clued me in — apparently Dole is stepping down to be replaced by Nevada Senator John Ensign. A good sign as Ensign has shown his meddle – voting against the President’s medicare expansion plans. Excellent.** Not too long ago, I posted a short rant on this site about my contempt for United States Senator Lincoln Chafee ("R"-Rhode Island). I put his "R" in quotes because this registered Republican votes with Democrats so often that it is disingenuous for him to be registered in the party of Ronald Reagan. He famously brags about how he didn’t cast a vote for President Bush in his last election battle with uber-liberal John Kerry. He also voted against confirming Sam Alito to the United States Supreme Court. When I wrote about him… Read More