Today’s Commentary: Financial Challenges Await Governor, Legislature
The financial challenges facing state government in California are very real. We already have a structural deficit of billions. Add to that the new commitment to repay, with interest, all of the new bonds being issued (to add to the payments on those already issued) and the looming issue of dealing with unfunded pension liabilities to the tune of billions of dollars more, and you have a big challenge on your hands. But wait, there’s more! Let’s also remember that the size and scope of California state government keeps expanding, and that we have been kind of (if you don’t count deficit spending) keeping pace with obligations (ok, you have to count deficit spending, so we really haven’t kept up). But this has been with the economy humming along in great shape. In other words, we are one economic downturn away from a disastrous financial situation in Sacramento. Of course, the stage is set for a showdown because while the Governor has made it clear that he has set a table for himself, Fabian Nunez and Don Perata, to see how to expand more government programs (a.k.a… "bi-partisan, party of one"), he is also… Read More