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Congressman John Campbell

Support Shadegg for Whip

Yesterday, I posted my endorsement of Mike Pence for Republican Leader. Here is the endorsement letter I sent to fellow House members putting my support behind John Shadegg for Republican Whip.

Dear Colleague: I come from the business world. In that environment, if your company’s earnings disappear and your stock price drops through the floor, the market requires that you replace your leadership and your methods. This usually involves changing all of the management team regardless of how much or how little each individual member had to do with the company’s problems. If you don’t do that, the market has no reason to reinvest in you. Our market, the voters, sent us a clear message last week. Just like a company, we need to prove that we understand our faults and are willing to correct our ways. John Shadegg represents the new direction that is needed in the position of minority whip. You heard John in conference before the election, and I’m sure you received his e-mails as I have. He is fresh. He is motivated. He is inspiring.

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Jon Fleischman

FR Friend Stephen Moore in WSJ’s Political Diary

They Came. They Spent. They Got the Boot.

Liberal pundits are arguing that the GOP lost last week’s election because of scandals and the war, which is certainly in part true. But Democrats conclude from this, as they always reflexively do, that Republicans must move to a more centrist and compromising position on issues. Not so fast.

A Polling Company exit poll finds that 62% of last week’s voters said they wanted fewer federal government services and lower taxes against 25% who said they want more federal government services and higher taxes. It’s still a conservative country, folks — in fact, these numbers track fairly closely to the sentiments expressed by voters after the GOP’s sweeping election victory in 1994. But here’s the most startling difference: This time, only 21% of voters said they thought Republicans would spend less than Democrats.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Bi-Partisan, Party of One — and Jerry Lewis needs to Quit

Bi-Partisan, Party of One?

Here is an excerpt from today’s column by Dan Walters in the Sacramento Bee:

Notably, however, Schwarzenegger and the Democrats did business largely on Democratic policy issues without Republican legislators. So the "bipartisanship" he’s still touting as an effective approach to governance was really just one Republican — himself — and a bunch of Democrats, although he was careful not to unduly alienate the state’s business community.

Walters brings up a good point.

What the Governor is labeling ‘bi-partisan’ cooperation has really been his own personal willingness to embrace several items on the Democrat Party agenda, and more or less unilaterally enact them. So the burning question in my mind is when does the pendulum swing the other way? When do we see Tax CUTS, spending REDUCTIONS, SCALING BACK regulations, LOWERING fees — all of the GOP principles that involve shifting power out of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bi-Partisan, Party of One — and Jerry Lewis needs to Quit

Bi-Partisan, Party of One?

Here is an excerpt from today’s column by Dan Walters in the Sacramento Bee:

Notably, however, Schwarzenegger and the Democrats did business largely on Democratic policy issues without Republican legislators. So the "bipartisanship" he’s still touting as an effective approach to governance was really just one Republican — himself — and a bunch of Democrats, although he was careful not to unduly alienate the state’s business community.

Walters brings up a good point.

What the Governor is labeling ‘bi-partisan’ cooperation has really been his own personal willingness to embrace several items on the Democrat Party agenda, and more or less unilaterally enact them. So the burning question in my mind is when does the pendulum swing the other way? When do we see Tax CUTS, spending REDUCTIONS, SCALING BACK regulations, LOWERING fees — all of the GOP principles that involve shifting power out of… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Lynn Daucher numbers update

Well, it may be a bit unconventional coming from the North California correspondent on OC election numbers, but, hey, nobody else has posted on it yet….and FR readers deserve the news ASAP! My colleague Lynn is holding to a 302 vote lead after 20,239 county wide ballots were processed today, a drop of only 59 votes, probably heavy on election day ballots. Thanks to Senator Ackerman for the updated numbers each day, they estimate about 4000 absentees left to count. Hmm, I like those odds.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FlashReport endorses Mike Pence for House Republican Leader

The FlashReport’s Beltway Correspondent, Congressman John Campbell, has just endorsed Congressman Mike Pence for House Republican Leader. We will follow his lead as a publication, and I want to announce that the FlashReport endorses Mike Pence for Republican Leader of the House of Representatives.

We have been following, and applauding the conservative moxie of Pence for a couple of years now, since he took over the reigns of the Republican Study Committee, the conservative caucus within the entire GOP conference.

When Republicans take the kind of drubbing they took last Tuesday, the honorable thing to do is for the existing leadership TEAM (yes, all of them, not some of them) to step aside and let new leaders emerge to try and win policy and political battles in the next session and election. Unfortunately we have a couple of leaders in the House — John Boehner and Roy Blunt — who are suffering from a classic case of "it wasn’t me" syndrome. I have news for both of… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Support Mike Pence for Minority Leader

I thought the readers of the Flash Report would be interested in reading the following letter. It is a letter I sent a couple minutes agoto my fellow Republican House members endorsing Mike Pence for the position of House Minority Leader:

Dear Republican Colleague: I would like to ask you to join me in supporting Mike Pence for Minority Leader. My support of Mike is not due to any real or perceived shortcomings of either of his opponents. They are both fine men with excellent records, but I believe Mike will bring a new voice to leadership that can lead us back into the majority.

An axiom in politics is to win by securing your base then extending from it. Arguably, we did neither in this past election. First and foremost, we must show the country and our base that we have gotten their message and understand that change is necessary. By putting a fresh face in leadership who is dedicated to the core principals of our party and can skillfully articulate these principals, we can restore the country’s confidence in the Republican Party. Mike PenceRead More

Mike Spence

Time to Audit Victory ’06

Was Victory ’06 a success? After over 20 million dollars spent that is an open question for me. I have my doubts. The Governor was on the way to victory long before the GOTV operation was needed. Maybe Poizner benefited. Although he really benifited from Bustamante.

First, I want to point out that I know something on this scale has not been tried before. I know many Victory ’06 staffers. Many of them are great operatives. People can work hard and effectively in campaigns and still not achieve objectives. To be successful in the future requires us to take a hard look at some of these things.

I admit to only knowing a few things. Turnout in GOP areas was lower than four years ago. Imagine that. A "GOP" Governor is winning by 17% and turnout is worse than when we lose by 5%. What gives?

There are definitely someoutside factors at work. The National GOP collapse didn’t help. The Governor’s refusal to appear with or speak kindly about down ticket candidates was a factor. His message of a bigger bond debt and more nanny statism appealed to Dems, but not GOP voters.Read More