Much to be thankful for…
We live in the best country in the world which has the "worst form of government…except all the others." The unpleasantness of Nov 7 for many of the things we hoped for is still tempered by the fact that at the Congressional level, many new winning Dems ran on a lot of Republican principles. We did hold some of the tight races at the last and there is at least 5 strong Rep seats that were lost "just because" of the indictments, scandals or last minute retirements, etc. These seats should flip back our way next time on the natural. So our side needs to focus on how to convince Americans that this "course correction" needs to only last 2 years. Maybe 24 months of Speaker Pelosi will do it, but if we count on that, our side could be outside the frosty windows looking in for a long time.[Ray Haynes posted on this topic yesterday, wewould do well to heed that advice]
In California, we re-elected a Republican governor by one of the biggest blowouts for a statewideRep. in a long time. No, Rep. legislators aren’t in lock-step with the Guv all the time, but the difference it has made inside the Capitol and… Read More