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Jon Fleischman

Do GOPers on the Hill get it? I bet Bruce McPherson does…

When we lament about the ‘Blue Wave’ that swept Republicans out of control of Congress, and arguably washed out the close elections of Tom McClintock, Tony Strickland, and Bruce McPherson, it is frustrating to feel like the GOPers in Congress truly don’t understand that a big piece of the blame goes to the Republican embrace of federal spending (up 44% since 2001!).

Check this out from FR friend Stephen Moore in today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary:

Wake-Up Call…or Snooze Button?

The political finger-pointing and recriminations are beginning in earnest among Capitol Hill Republicans, and it’s not a pretty picture. In the few days… Read More

Mike Spence

Who will the Governor hire?

Since the election, several of the Governor’s top staff have announced they are leaving for greener ($$$) pastures.

The blog LA Observed has a post of an email from a Democratic consultant looking for people to work in the Villaraigosa’s administration in Los Angeles. See post here.

That is good economic news for Democratic operatives as they now have two places they can apply.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Mike Villines – Partisan Warrior? Give Me A Break…

So far, most of the reporting on my Assemblyman, Mike Villines (R) Clovis, has been a joke. The new Assembly Minority leader, described by some in the media as some kind of over the top conservative, is a Pete Wilson alumnus with a keen eye toward fixing California’s budget catastrophe. It is not hard to see this mess coming – $73 billion in bonds, mixed with a structural (and illegal) state budget deficit of $4-6 billion, and a Governor who wants to insure 6 million Californians without cutting any other programs – is a roiling recipe for the biggest fiscal train wreck in California history.

There are only 46 people in California that can stop this mess from happening – 32 Assembly Republicans and 14 Senate Republicans. It is Villines job to literally save California from this financial meltdown – and keep his Assembly caucus unified.

There are only two conservative principles at work here – and they both have the coveted "centrist" appeal. First is a balanced budget, and second is a firm line against tax increases. Villines and most other elected Republican leaders rightfully understand that… Read More

James V. Lacy

Gingrich says First Amendment restricted by McCain-Feingold

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich took on Federal election campaign finance reform yesterday and stated that the McCain-Feingold law, intended to restrict "soft money" in Congressional elections, has resulted in restricted First Amendment rights and more negative campaigning. McCain-Feingold and its amendments have indeed resulted in some bizarre situations. Here in California, Congressman Darrell Issa was the unfortunate target of a months long FEC administrative action becauseof his support for the recall of former Governor Gray Davis. The FEC objected to the Congressman’s fundraising effort to support collection of recall signatures. The FEC would have limited the Congressman’s ability to raise funds for a state effort by artificially imposing the "Federal" McCain-Feingold limits onhis state electioninvolvment. That case was ultimately dropped, but McCain-Feingold was the pretext, and the FEC hasn’t really completely clarified the rules going forward. The case illustrates that when a California Congressman gets involved in a state race, ballot proposition, or recall, he/she really doesn’t have the same First… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Senate and Assembly GOPers to gather in Newport Beach

This week the Republican members of the California State Senate and State Assembly will hold a ‘retreat’ at Donald Bren’s posh Island Hotel (formerly the Four Seasons) in Newport Beach, California. This multi-day affair is an annual tradition, and affords a chance for nearly fifty GOP legislators to come together and spend some ‘quality time’ — getting to know one another (over a quarter of these legislators are taking office for the first time next week), and look at their political and policy strategies for the upcoming legislative session and election cycle. If FR readers will recall, on the Thursday after the election, Assembly Republicans caucused for several long hours and emerged with a new leader – Mike Villines of Fresno. We featured a column from Villines on this site the very next day, where the new Assembly Republican Leader talked about his priorities, paramount of which is trying to bring fiscal discipline and sanity to state government.

Because of the way California’s Constitution is worded, it takes a two-thirds vote of both houses of the legislature to enact a tax increase, or to pass a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senate and Assembly GOPers to gather in Newport Beach

This week the Republican members of the California State Senate and State Assembly will hold a ‘retreat’ at Donald Bren’s posh Island Hotel (formerly the Four Seasons) in Newport Beach, California. This multi-day affair is an annual tradition, and affords a chance for nearly fifty GOP legislators to come together and spend some ‘quality time’ — getting to know one another (over a quarter of these legislators are taking office for the first time next week), and look at their political and policy strategies for the upcoming legislative session and election cycle. If FR readers will recall, on the Thursday after the election, Assembly Republicans caucused for several long hours and emerged with a new leader – Mike Villines of Fresno. We featured a column from Villines on this site the very next day, where the new Assembly Republican Leader talked about his priorities, paramount of which is trying to bring fiscal discipline and sanity to state government.

Because of the way California’s Constitution is worded, it takes a two-thirds vote of both houses of the legislature to enact a tax increase, or to pass a… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Welcome to Anthony Adams and Ray Haynes

Welcome aboard to these 2 legislators… from the far North Californialegislator. [2ndAssy. district Jon, not 4th] Ray’s comments and insight are always welcome and interesting, especially since we’ll be missing those floor speeches, such as speech #2 on Spending, or the Partridge in A Pear Tree speech about all bills creatingthe:5 new commissions, 4 new task forces, 3 new studies, 2 new agencies, and yes, Ray isstill a legislator til Nov 30 at midnight. [did you know that there is NO Assembly and only half a Senate from then until Dec 4 at noon? Go do something that hasn’t been legislated or regulatedagainst during that 3 1/2 days!!!]

And Anthony, don’t worry about putting foot in mouth on the FR, or on the floor. Since you’re a freshman, I as a senior am just looking for an excuse to do a Toby Keith with my size 12 boots…it’s the American Way. I’m just most disturbed that my picture is moving lower and lower down the blog author list….Jon?

Welcome guys, it’s a lot of fun and will be more so with you on board.… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

School districts to CTA: Do as we say, not as we do

Check out the Contra Costa Time’s interesting article on the California Teacher Association’s efforts to get the courts to allow the union to use teacher mailboxes at school for campaign literature. The CTA argues that the school administrators are violating their right to free speech in limiting the material the union can distribute through the school mailboxes. CTA’s lawyer tells the CoCo Times, “It’s our soapbox and we maintain that we can say anything on that soapbox."

In the past, districts have argued that the union is not allowed to circulate election material through the mailboxes, only union-related information. However, the union cleverly points out that the schools have used the mailboxes to campaign for local school bond measures. In the past the courts have sided with school district officials, but it appears that the tide may be turning. While I agree with district officials that the mailboxes… Read More