Be The Gracious Winner
As a consultant I take great pride in seeing my clients win. It sure is fun to win, especially in the face of huge opposition. OC Supervisor-Elect Pat Bates is a great example. She won in the face of a four-to-one fund raising advantage (Gilliard Blanning Wysocki ran her campaign, my firm did the polling).
Pat is also a great example of the gracious winner.
Since Election Day candidates like Bates who pulled off victories have fielded congratulatory calls, many from people who were not as supportive as they could have been during the election. Some from people who were no where to be found, but now want to be a father of their success.
The nature of many candidates is to question the intentions of those well wishers and ask "Where the hell were you last month when i needed another $10,000 to pay for that last piece of mail?"
But the gracious winner never says that. They smile, thank the caller for their kind words and do a little silent victory dance in their head.
We can all learn a lesson from candidates like Anaheim Councilwoman-Elect Lucille Kring. She is another gracious winner. Having taken out an incumbent… Read More