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Mike Spence

Reforming the CRP

In the late nineties some GOP leaders pushed to take over the CRP and local GOP county committees with a simple mantra: Ideology doesn’t matter, what matters is the "nuts and bolts" of party building. Basically, the goods they sold said the party should focus on registering voters, GOTV etc…. Of course most were moderates (who would lose campaigns if ideology was a factor) and their successful campaign culminated in the much-heralded CRP Parsky Commission reforms of 2001.Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Stephen Moore: Free Market Solutions to Medicine

Stephen Moore is one of the more gifted editorial writers out there — over at the Wall Street Journal, has penned an outstanding piece, entitled, The Market and Its Medicine: Solving the health-care "crisis" means not more government involvement but less.

It begins:

About 10 years ago, I broke my leg playing basketball. After I came out of surgery, with a cast stretching from my ankle to the top of my leg, an orderly asked me whether I had ever used crutches before. I hadn’t, so he showed me what to do, swinging through them from one end of the room to the other. The whole lesson lasted about 90 seconds. When I got my hospital bill, I saw that I had been charged $150 for "gait training on crutches." I did what all insured Americans do: I forwarded the bill to my insuranceRead More

Jon Fleischman

McClintock, Poizner and Brulte solid behind Fleischman!

As many FR readers already know, I am a candidate for Vice-Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party. The election will be on February 12th in Sacramento, and I will be campaigning hard all of the way until ‘election day’ at the GOP Convention. I am humbled to enjoy a tremendous amount of support from throughout the Southern Region (Riverside, Orange, San Diego, and Imperial Counties). I thought I would highlight three prominent endorsers of my campaign who are more ‘statewide’ than regional figures in California Republican politics:


"Jon’s acumen and understanding of the business of politics makes him my choice for Vice Chairman, South, of the California Republican Party." – State Senator Tom McClintock… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold and Maria to light up Hydrogen-Powered Christmas Tree

If you are wondering what the difference will be between the official Christmas Tree outside of the State Capitol this year, versus the tree from last year (pictured) — the office of First Lady Maria Shriver has announced that this year’s white fir tree will be the, "First-Ever Energy-Efficient Christmas Tree is Powered by Hydrogen Fuel Cell."

According to the release from Shriver’s office, "The 55-foot white fir tree donated by the U.S. Forest Service, Institute of Forest Genetics features more than 6,500 LED lights. The one-kilowatt fuel cell system has been provided by the California Stationary Fuel Cell Collaborative and was manufactured by Altergy Systems of Folsom. Fuel cell technology was originally invented for NASA to power Gemini space craft."

For any Capitol denizens who are not already planning to run out to the tree lighting ceremony to see the fuel cell system in action (it’s in… Read More

Tab Berg

Labor Nuts and Almond Joy Politics

Buried in the business section of the Sacramento Bee (and again in the opinion page) was a story about what should be one of the biggest political scandals of the year: Sacramento Councilman Steve Cohn, in an brazen attempt to curry favor with labor unions, is secretly attempting to force a private company to unionize – even though employees already voted against unionizing.

One of the regions oldest businesses – the venerable Blue Diamond Growers, which is really a co-operative of 3500 small growers — learned of the move by the City of Sacramento when the item appeared on the agenda for this Friday’s council meeting.

Councilman Steve Cohn — who really wants to be mayor — is trying to eliminate the standard secret ballot, which would leave employees open to intimidation for their ballot choice (no matter which side they pick, they would be subject to possible intimidation).

Cohn once tried to block expansion of Sutter Hospital… Read More

Barry Jantz

Quick Sacto Turnaround

A quick up-and-back for me yesterday for the swearing-in.

Shirley Horton was gracious enough to let me hitch a ride from the airport to the capitol. It’s hard to believe she is starting her last term in the assembly. Time flies. I guess the competitive AD 78 will now be heating up for ’08.

I caught up with our new SD legislators. "It’s been a long time coming," Joel Anderson told me, slightly taken aback that his college roommate was now putting him on the record for the FlashReport. "We’ve been working on this for two years — it’s great to be able to celebrate with family and friends."

Yadda, yadda. Okay, Joel, now say something that I don’t expect every other freshman up here to regurgitate. Like, what’s your first piece of legislation?

OK, that did it, then he gets the twinkle in his eye. Anderson wants to pursue adequate funding for San Diego’s traffic management system, which apparently doesn’t address traffic congestion on a 7-24 basis, unlike four other SoCal counties. I wouldn’t necessarily call that meat and potatoes legislation, but it… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Today’s Commentary: Legislature Kicks Off a New Session

Yesterday marked the beginning of the 2007-2008 legislative session. The Assembly once again installed Assembly member Fabian Nunez as Speaker of the Assembly yesterday and the Senate re-elected Senator Don Perata as Senate Majority Leader. Most of the action was in the Assembly, as the governor sat through the whole swearing-in ceremony and got up to saw a few words when Nunez introduced him.

Nunez gave a speech about wanting to work with members of both parties on issues such as health care, education and the environment. When Assembly member Mike Villines was elected as Republican leader in November, Nunez issued a statement saying, “I congratulate Assembly member Mike Villines on his election today as Republican leader. If there is any lesson to be learned from the election, it is that California voters want us to be partners, not partisans…I look forward to working with him to continue the bipartisan progress we made with Governor Schwarzenegger.”… Read More

Jill Buck

Healthcare Can Be Reformed

“Liberty is to the collective body, what health is to every individual body. Without health no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by society.” Thomas Jefferson

Healthcare costs are skyrocketing, and too many Californians lack healthcare insurance.

According to the California Chamber of Commerce, the national average cost of healthcare for a single person rose from $2196 in 1996, to $4024 in 2005. Similarly, premiums for families rose from $5791 to $10,880 during that same time period. Alarmingly, 6.5 million Californians (1.3 million of which are children) have no healthcare insurance. We all know the upshot to this statistics: our emergency rooms (the most expensive way to treat most healthcare problems) become the primary care facilities for the uninsured; doctors and hospitals charge insurance companies and citizens with insurance more in order to cover the cost of treating the… Read More