Republicans for Barak Obama
If I had the time, I’d push Barak. Republicans for Barak even though it’s a Democrat Primary. He’s a rock star and he’ll burn out on the Presidential thing, but, he could split things up a bit.
Hillary draws hot or cold support, nobody is lukewarm on Hillary. Obama can’t win the country, but he can mess with Hillary and the undecided Dems and anti-Hillary Dems. He could be our "gift."
Republicans will need a gift like this; because,since we areout of power, the Foley, DeLay and other issues will fade as the focusmoves toBush and Pelosi and Company –for now. The Iraq war may even lose some of its political luster as the Democrats are now faced with the complexities of resolving it. We need the gift because by not being in the spotlight, those issues will go unresolved, for now,and we will have those issues revisited in ’08 for us.Count on it. The Congressional Reps temporarily dodged Foley yesterday, but the issue is by no means done.
We will have a tougher time overcoming them if we have to do it by ourselves and whomever becomes our presidential… Read More