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Barry Jantz

Who Will Carry the Torch on Team Mascot Names?

Now that Jackie Goldberg has been termed-out ofthe California State Assembly, I am at a complete loss as to which lawmaker, if any, will have the courage to carry the banner on a matter of significant state importance. It appears, unless some unknown legislator steps to the plate, that the vital issue of inappropriate, insensitive, politically incorrect team mascot names may not be debated in the California legislature this year.

Former Assemblywoman Goldberg made somewhat of a career in this arena,advocating for lawsto make unlawful the use of American Indian team mascots at public schools. Not surprisingly, a whole slew of fascists, racists, sexists, chauvinists, Huns, Republicans and readers of the FlashReport have long opposed the idea.

Personally, I could not believe at the timethat I had stooped so low as to allow myself to work for someone as obviously insensitive as now retired Assemblyman Jay La Suer, who said of Jackie’s efforts, “It’s political correctness taken 18 steps too far,” while puffing his chest and bragging openly that he had been both an El… Read More

Mike Spence

LInda Boyd re-elected LA County Chair

Today, Linda Boyd was re-electedwas County Chair of theLos Angeles County Republican Party. Thiswill beher third team. Linda is only the second person elected to three consecutive terms. Her leadership team and received only a few no votes. LA County has come along way in the last few years under Linda’s leadership. She is also a candidate for Chair of the GOP County Chairman’s Association.… Read More

Mike Spence

High School Cabaret Continues …without High School Credit

The high school senior projectof an Antelope Valley Union High School studet continued, but with out credit. School officials decided that the sexy attire and content of "Cabaret " was not in keeping with school policy. See article here.You can see my original post here.

Still undecided is whether the cast will receive vocational educational credit for exotic dancing.

Just kidding, but school officials still have to explain their supervision of the project.… Read More

Republicans for Barak Obama

If I had the time, I’d push Barak. Republicans for Barak even though it’s a Democrat Primary. He’s a rock star and he’ll burn out on the Presidential thing, but, he could split things up a bit.

Hillary draws hot or cold support, nobody is lukewarm on Hillary. Obama can’t win the country, but he can mess with Hillary and the undecided Dems and anti-Hillary Dems. He could be our "gift."

Republicans will need a gift like this; because,since we areout of power, the Foley, DeLay and other issues will fade as the focusmoves toBush and Pelosi and Company –for now. The Iraq war may even lose some of its political luster as the Democrats are now faced with the complexities of resolving it. We need the gift because by not being in the spotlight, those issues will go unresolved, for now,and we will have those issues revisited in ’08 for us.Count on it. The Congressional Reps temporarily dodged Foley yesterday, but the issue is by no means done.

We will have a tougher time overcoming them if we have to do it by ourselves and whomever becomes our presidential… Read More

Today’s Commentary: End of the Year Thoughts

As we approach the end of the year and as the blame game and gloating starts to wind down, it seems appropriate to start thinking about 2007 and the next election year here in California, here are some of my thoughts:

Victory 2006 Do an analysis of what went right and what went wrong, keep an open mind as it relates to what happened — don’t jump to conclusions too quickly. Be thankful for what the Schwarzenegger team did to help build the party structure in California and ask the question of what should be done to improve and build on the where we stand today. We likely will never see the same amount of money spent on helping build a grassroots structure again, so there will be something else to complain about in 2008 — lack of funding from the presidential nominee.

The CRP Lets encourage a spirited discussion among the candidates running for Vice-Chair of the CRP, they will be responsible for building our GOP bench for governor and the down ticket offices. The CRP is going to need to find a way to get more financial resources into these candidates if… Read More

End of the Year Thoughts

As we approach the end of the year and as the blame game and gloating starts to wind down, it seems appropriate to start thinking about 2007 and the next election year here in California, here are some of my thoughts:

Victory 2006 Do an analysis of what went right and what went wrong, keep an open mind as it relates to what happened — don’t jump to conclusions too quickly. Be thankful for what the Schwarzenegger team did to help build the party structure in California and ask the question of what should be done to improve and build on the where we stand today. We likely will never see the same amount of money spent on helping build a grassroots structure again, so there will be something else to complain about in 2008 — lack of funding from the presidential nominee.

The CRP Lets encourage a spirited discussion among the candidates running for Vice-Chair of the CRP, they will be responsible for building our GOP bench for governor and the down ticket offices. The CRP is going to need to find a way to get more financial resources into these candidates if… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The PPIC Poll: Ask A Rosy Question, Get A Rosy Answer.

As FR contributor and public opinion pollster Adam Probolsky likes to say, a poll is only as good as what you ask, and to whom you ask it. So I was quite amused to see so much enthusiasm erupt from the liberal media and left-wing Democrats when the Public Policy Institute of California released their latest survey. The source of their glee?

One of the questions on the PPIC survey asks, "Overall, do you approve or disapprove of the way that the California legislature and the governor are working together in making public policy?"

The response to this question: 53% approve, 36% disapprove, and 18% don’t know.

Here is the problem — asking a ‘feel good’ question like this really doesn’t tell you much. It would be like asking, "Would you like prices to be lower to spend a day at Disneyland?"

Of course virtually all respondents would say yes. But what if the follow up question was, "Would you still want entrance prices lowered at Disneyland if you knew that many of your favorite rides and attractions would be closed?… Read More

Former Flashreport Correspondent Brad Mitzelfelt Formally Seeks Soon-To-Be Vacant Supervisorial Position

Good news for San Bernardino County – Brad Mitzelfelt, a combat veteran and dedicated public servant to the people of the Inland Empire, has formally applied to fill the upcoming vacancy in the county’s First Supervisorial District – an open seat due to incumbent Supervisor Bill Postmus’ election as County Assessor. Brad Mitzelfelt, in many of his roles, was my predecessor as San Bernardino County correspondent for the Flashreport and we both served together in the office of Supervisor Bill Postmus, where Mitzelfelt served as Chief-of-Staff.

(In addition to numerous voices of support from within Mitzelfelt’s prospective constituency, the Flashreport has endorsed Brad’s bid for this important appointment.)

By county provision, San Bernardino County superivors select a successor when a vacancy occurs on the Board. Brad Mitzelfelt is encouraged by the early community support he has received so far.

I will keep you posted as developments occur…Bill Postmus’ swearing-in as County Assessor will be at noon on January 8,… Read More