Where Have The Conservatives Gone?
I know we are still a long way from the 2008 election, but there is a noticeable dearth of conservative candidates for President.
In the 2000 cycle, there were several candidates that could make a credible case for conservative support. Steve Forbes, Gary Bauer, even George Bush, had solid conservative credentials, and could make a case for conservative support. Forbes and Bauer had no governmental record, but had solid backgrounds in the movement, Bush governed Texas as a conservative, and conservatives in Texas said great things about his time as Governor. While his record as President hasn’t been perfect (hedid not reign in the free spending Republican Congress, and he has been horrible on illegal immigration), he has, by and large, governed as a conservative. Tax cuts, judges, solid on life and guns, all commend his conservative credentials. Now if he would only veto those Democrat spending bills, he might restore the public’s confidence in the Republican Party as the party of small government.
Now some may complain that I am not the perfect measure of a conservative that only supports conservatives (although I can make my case in… Read More