More Bonds? Romney Rumblings… Dymally makes it worse. Inaugural ball tix cheap…for some!
Word is that the Governor will propose financing billions in prison constructions through the use of lease revenue bonds. I can understand how you would use this kind of bond for, say, a public parking structure with an income from parking. But a prison? I am not clear where the revenue comes from for a prison except from taxpayers? Shouldn’t that require a vote of the people? There are some changes taking place in the California operations of Mitt Romney’s fledgling campaign for President. FR is still tracking down the details, but we’ve heard from very reliable sources that California uber-fundraising Anne Dunsmore and her California Capital Campaigns (see the ad to the right), who have been doing fundraising for Romney’s Commonwealth PAC, are not doing the general, federally limited Presidential campaign fundraising for the retiring Massachusetts Governor. We’ll see how this shakes out. Yesterday Democrat Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally gave a rather underwhelming apology for calling his colleague, Hector De La Torre, a racist. He said "I have been around long enough to know … Read More