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Jon Fleischman

Steve Schmidt signs with McCain

Steve Schmidt, Campaign Manager to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for his re-election campaign, has taken on a consulting role with the candidacy of John McCain for President of the United States.

H/T to Chris Cillizza over at the Washington Post for the scoop on this news.

FR caught up with Schmidt, who told us: "I am very excited to part a part of Senator McCain’s team."

Now – as to whether this gives McCain a leg up on a coveted endorsement in the primary from Governor Schwarzegger — that is unclear. But you can be sure that Schmidt will be sure to keep his former boss very close to the goings-on in the McCain operations.

This news doesn’t really come as a surprise to most political insiders. I had heard it a while back. But it is, perhaps, a testament to Schmidt’s relationships with those of us who report on such things. Out of deference to him, I didn’t report on it first.… Read More

Mitzelfelt Momentum – District Support Surging for Vacant Supervisor Seat

Recently I posted the news of Brad Mitzelfelt’s bid for departing Supervisor Bill Postmus’ seat on the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors. Brad, Postmus’ longtime Chief of Staff and former FlashReport correspondent, is seeking an appointment to replace Postmus, who will soon leave San Bernardino County’s First Supervisorial District seat to take office as the new County Assessor. The County’s Charter dictates that the replacement for Postmus (my boss) be selected by the remaining members of the Board of Supervisors. Mitzelfelt was the first candidate to file for appointment to the vacancy, which will be decided by the Board on January 8. As many expected, Mitzelfelt has built huge momentum for the appointment from public officials, organizations and community leaders. He has unanimous support from two of the district’s seven city councils, and majorities or near majorities from three others. Mitzelfelt, 39, is a Marine Corps veteran… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: More Bonds? Romney Rumblings… Dymally makes it worse. Inaugural ball tix cheap…for some!

Word is that the Governor will propose financing billions in prison constructions through the use of lease revenue bonds. I can understand how you would use this kind of bond for, say, a public parking structure with an income from parking. But a prison? I am not clear where the revenue comes from for a prison except from taxpayers? Shouldn’t that require a vote of the people? There are some changes taking place in the California operations of Mitt Romney’s fledgling campaign for President. FR is still tracking down the details, but we’ve heard from very reliable sources that California uber-fundraising Anne Dunsmore and her California Capital Campaigns (see the ad to the right), who have been doing fundraising for Romney’s Commonwealth PAC, are not doing the general, federally limited Presidential campaign fundraising for the retiring Massachusetts Governor. We’ll see how this shakes out. Yesterday Democrat Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally gave a rather underwhelming apology for calling his colleague, Hector De La Torre, a racist. He said "I have been around long enough to knowRead More

Jon Fleischman

More Bonds? Romney Rumblings… Dymally makes it worse. Inaugural ball tix cheap…for some!

Word is that the Governor will propose financing billions in prison constructions through the use of lease revenue bonds. I can understand how you would use this kind of bond for, say, a public parking structure with an income from parking. But a prison? I am not clear where the revenue comes from for a prison except from taxpayers? Shouldn’t that require a vote of the people? There are some changes taking place in the California operations of Mitt Romney’s fledgling campaign for President. FR is still tracking down the details, but we’ve heard from very reliable sources that California uber-fundraising Anne Dunsmore and her California Capital Campaigns (see the ad to the right), who have been doing fundraising for Romney’s Commonwealth PAC, are not doing the general, federally limited Presidential campaign fundraising for the retiring Massachusetts Governor. We’ll see how this shakes out. Yesterday Democrat Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally gave a rather underwhelming apology for calling his colleague, Hector De La Torre, a racist. He said "I have been around long enough to knowRead More

Mike Spence

Does Doug Boyd have the race for LA Area CRP Regional Vice-Chair locked up?

Until the "reforms" of 2001, the LA Area was represented on the CRP Board by the Vice-Chair South. I was privileged as a "young punk kid" to have been elected to that position in 1993 and re-elected 1995. The new plan gave Los Angeles a separate slot. The elections for these positions can help determine the direction of the CRP Board. In Los Angeles only one candidate has announced. Doug Boyd.Boyd is familiar in LA and for the matter state politics. After leaving the military he hooked up with the LA County Party and became their Executive Director. He was an AA for Dick Mountjoy, COS for a BOE Member (like the use of acronyms there?) and a congressional staffer. Boyd was also the political director for Getty Oil. That’s a company I readRead More

Jill Buck

Pirates of the Bay Area…Secrets of Treasure Island

On Wednesday morning at 10 am in Oakland, Steve Heminger, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, will try once more, as he did back in July, to play a shell game with tax payer money.

He will recommend to the Bay Area Toll Authority that they loan bridge toll money to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission to build an electrical cable to Treasure Island, even though the City’s current utility provider has agreed to underwrite the cost of construction and operation of the cable, using private money.

To be sure we all have this straight…

Voters approved a hike in bridge tolls, in order to accomplish seismic retrofits to the Bay Bridge.

Steve Heminger wants to take that money and use it for a purpose unrelated to transportation… that can be paid for with private money…in a manner that voters would not approve if it were brought to a referendum.

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Barry Jantz

A Year-End Classic from Logan Jenkins…Why Just North County?

The San Diego Union-Tribune’s Logan Jenkins delivered anothergreat column yesterday, especially if one follows SD North County politics. A humorous and biting look at some of the political and other ongoings this past year in our northern areas of the county.I don’t always agree with Logan’s politics, but he’s funny…and a great writer.

I’ll get to it in a minute, but reading Jenkins’ wit does bring up a continuing question. Why is it that only the North County is blessed by SD’s newspaper of record with the kind of attention deserving of its own columnist? The politicians in the other areas might not like the prospects, as they could be outed a bit more, but I say bring it on (especially now that I’m out of office…ha!) After all, North County is not the only area of SD home to shenanigans. Plus, Logan doesn’t just hand out bricks…he often gives out bouquets when deserved (an example of both). If they’re doing a good job, the politicos in the non-northern cities should… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Republican. Right? It’s time to choose.

I guess we will find out in early January whether California Republicans — especially mainstream GOP voters and those in the GOP donor community — elected a Governor who will stand by the most significant major tenets of the Grand Old Party, or whether they were used by a politician who is prepared to turn his bust of Ronald Reagan to face the wall. How Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger approaches his self-imposed top priority of working to tackle the issue of access to and affordability of health insurance for all Californians will define his commitment to core Republican principles. Arnold Schwarzenegger campaigned for re-election saying that he is fiscally conservative, socially moderate and progressive on environmental issues (or something close to that). Well, as we said at the time, EVERY issue facing state government is ultimately a fiscal issue, and improving access to healthcare is definitely a fiscal issue. As such, we are all hoping that it will be fiscally conservative Arnold Schwarzenegger that steps up to give his State of the State Address in January. … Read More