Governor AOK After Surgery
From the Governor’s Office:
Update on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Health…
This morning, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger underwent successful surgery to repair his right femur, which he fractured while skiing in Sun Valley, Idaho on December 23, 2006. The surgical team performed an open reduction internal fixation on the upper part of the thigh bone. The surgery lasted an hour and a half, the Governor was cleared to resume his duties as Governor at approximately 10:45 a.m. and he is expected to have a full and speedy recovery.
Orthopedic surgeon Dr. Kevin Ehrhart today issued the following statement regarding the health of Governor Schwarzenegger:
“At 9:45 this morning our surgical team, consisting of myself, two assistant surgeons, an anesthesiologist and two nurses, completed a successful open reduction internal fixation on the upper part of Governor Schwarzenegger’s thigh bone. The surgery involved using cables and screws to wire the two main fragments of the Governor’s broken femur bone back together. It lasted approximately an hour an a half, was without complication, and the post-operation x-rays look… Read More