Thoughts on the Inaugural Address..
When I hailed a cab this morning to go to the airport, the cabbie asked me why I was in town. I told him that I had spent the evening in a tux at the Governor’s Inaugural Ball.
His response… “Did any Republicans go?”
I followed up and asked him what he meant. He said that he and some other cabbies saw or heard parts of his speech, and decided that Republicans must be upset that in his speech, the Governor “trashed” his own party. He said , “Isn’t he a Republican himself? I just figured if Republicans worked hard to elect him, they might be mad that he has jettisoned his own party in favor of this…what did he call it? The ‘Post Party Era?”
I asked the cabbie if he was a Republican, and he said that he wasn’t – he was a Democrat. He said, “I just feel sorry for you guys…” Sigh.
My local Assemblyman, Chuck DeVore (R-Irvine), had this to say last night as he reflected on the Governor’s Inaugural Address: “I considered his words and wondered: when a conservative who favors smaller government and lower taxes ‘compromises’… Read More