Steve and Katie – Arnold’s “Wonder Team” splits as Katie signs with Giuliani
There is no doubt that much of the success of Governor Schwarzenegger’s re-election triumph last November can be laid at the feet of Steve Schmidt and Katie Levinson. Schmidt was famously tapped by the Governor to come out from D.C. to take the reigns as Manager of his campaign. Steve came from the reknowned Bush communications team, bringing with him, among others, Katie Levinson (Katie was actually named Arnold’s “MVP” by this website for her role in the re-elect).
With the Governor’s campaign all done – a triumph for Schmidt, Levinson and many others – those responsible for shepparding the GOP Governor to a landslide victory in a year that was terrible for Republicans nationally – are in high demand.
It was not unexpected when, a few weeks ago, it was announced that Schmidt had signed on as a Senior Advisor to the Presidential campaign of Arizona Senator John McCain. A number of significant Bush players have jumped onboard with the maverick Senator’s effort, including as campaign manager, Terry Nelson. Schmidt and Nelson are friends. Billionairre Irvine Company owner Donald Bren is McCain’s… Read More