We all pay the hidden minimum wage tax
Friday Night is Date Night in the Spence household. My wife and I try to go out every Friday– with out the kids of course. This Friday found us at the Edwards Cinema in West Covina. We bought tickets for Pursuit of Happiness (BTW: Viewing it should be part of welfare reform.)
As we were waiting for the movie to start,my wife for some reason though that the newly advertised five dollar taquitos were a "must have".
As I’m waiting in line, I overhear this conservation between two employees.
One of the employees tells the other that the medium (for some item I couldn’t hear) went up 50 cents. The other employee says something like "Why did they do that?" The first employee Says and I quote. "Because you got a raise on the first, stupid."
See the price went up because the minimum wage increase needed to paid for by somebody. The first employee understood that, the second will probably be a legislator or worse a Governor.
And worse still they were out of taquitos.… Read More