Semper Fi
According to United States Department of Veterans Affairs, there are roughly 3,000 homeless Veterans in the City and County of San Francisco. Many suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a variety of other afflictions and disabilities as a result of service to our country, and have extreme difficulty assimilating into civilian life. Many within the homeless Veteran population were as capable as you or I before they volunteered to serve in the armed forces, yet there is inadequate support for them upon return from service.
I sit on the Veterans Affairs Commission for San Francisco, and serve on the subcommittee to aid homeless and disenfranchised Veterans. The Commission recently sent the Mayor and Board of Supervisors a plan to assist homeless Vets. The plan projects increases in the number of homeless Veterans, based on trends observed at the County Veteran Service Office. The needs of homeless Veterans are similar to other homeless populations, except that there are a higher percentage of men,… Read More