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Richard Rider

Indian and Chinese U.S. immigration EACH are higher than Hispanic immigration

Conservatives who oppose immigration (legal and illegal) lament that such new arrivals vote lockstep for Democrats. It’s never been “lockstep,” but it’s true that overall Hispanics DO vote Democrat much more frequently vs. Republican.Gosh, Hispanics vote against people who rave about (or fail to speak out against) deporting 11 million Hispanics. Stunning.

But what has been missed by the immigration opposition has been the pronounced change in the country’s immigration pattern this past decade. Today the combined Chinese and (Asian) Indian immigration — legal and illegal — easily outpaces all Hispanic migration to the U.S. Indeed, EACH Asian group now outpaces Hispanic immigration.

And guess what? Chinese and Indians have fiscally conservative values — and constitute good hunting grounds for Republican candidates seeking votes. They are overwhelmingly CAPITALISTS.

Sadly, our xenophobes are making it clear that — for U.S. nativists (let’s ignore those original Native Americans) — ALL immigrants are unwelcome in America. An excellent source of pro-U.S. voters is being… Read More

Edward Ring

California Needs Infrastructure, and Unions Should be Helping

“Infrastructure” is a perennial topic that enters and leaves California’s public consciousness in the following manner: A politician says “we must rebuild our crumbling infrastructure,” journalists report it, almost nothing is done, and the infrastructure continues to crumble. The talking point is made. Check the box. Repeat. Decades pass.

If you’ve driven west on Interstate 580 from California’s central valley into the San Francisco Bay Area, “infrastructure” becomes more than a hard-to-pronounce, sort of awkward sounding four syllable word that emanates from the mouths of politicians every election cycle. Because the divots, pot-holes, fissures and bumps on Interstate 580 west are impossible to ignore. The road is literally falling apart.

It isn’t enough to marvel at how Californians tolerate this negligence. Because it harms our quality of life. Today the failure is measured in terms of how many cars and trucks require far more frequent maintenance to repair their battered suspensions because we can’t fix our roads. Today it’s short showers and annoying light switches that turn off automatically because we won’t build new water and… Read More

Jon Coupal

Legislative Session Ends, Taxpayers to Pay Even More as Usual Allies Vote for Tax Hikes

As the final day of the legislative session dawned last week, taxpayers were cautiously optimistic. After all, we had already stopped the most direct threats to Proposition 13. Those included Senate Constitutional Amendment 5, which would have weakened the rules regarding how some properties are valued for tax purposes and Assembly Constitutional Amendment 8, lowering the two thirds vote at the local level for taxes and bonds. Another success was notched by derailing an eleventh hour effort to make it much easier to raise property fees by broadly redefining sewer service to include storm water runoff programs. While seemingly arcane, this would have exposed California homeowners to billions of dollars in new property levies without direct approval.

As for more debt, taxpayers should be pleased that two multi-billion dollar bond packages, on parks and affordable housing, failed to clear the Legislature.

Now for the bad news. On the last day of session, our tax-and-spend legislature hit California consumers with a new tax on car batteries by passing AB 2153. This $1 tax on consumers will be paid at the point of sale, as will a $1 tax on manufacturers to be passed… Read More

Katy Grimes

Farm Worker OT Bill: Democrats Forcing Farm Owners Into Union Contracts

The California newspapers, television and radio have been going gaga over the “farmworker overtime bill” since the Legislature passed it August 29. They love it because it is more of the economic and social justice racket. But they are not telling you the entire story about Assembly Bill 1066.

Authored by the ethically bankrupt, union stooge, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez, D-San Diego, AB 1066, is bad on so many fronts. But the underlying reason for the bill is to force more farming employers into United Farm Workers union contracts.

Most other states do not have overtime wage requirements for any business, much less farming, so California businesses trying to compete under the state’s hefty overtime wage rules will likely not be able to compete across state… Read More

Katy Grimes

Letter to Gov. Brown re: Back Door Media Licensing In AB 1671

Re: AB 1671 – Back Door Media Licensing

Dear Governor Brown:

I wanted to give you a heads up on a bill sitting on your desk.

Assembly Bill 1671 was passed by the Legislature – entirely on a party line vote – and is awaiting your decision. In a nutshell, the bill… Read More

Edward Ring

How Government Unions are Hypocrites that Betray the Public

Government unions are not unions in any traditional sense of the word. They elect the bosses they “negotiate” with. They are paid through compulsory taxes rather than via a company that has to earn a profit in the competitive market. And they operate the machinery of government which allows them extraordinary latitude to intimidate any business interests who may challenge their agenda.

Among the informed, these assertions are beyond serious debate. Even supporters of government unions acknowledge them– just not on the record. But to inform the public, it is probably too abstract to question the legitimacy of government unions because they “elect their own bosses,” “use taxpayers money instead of earned profits,” or “control the bureaucracy.” Perhaps instead it is better to explain how union control of government harms people in their everyday lives.

To that end, here is a partial list of how the actions of government unions contradict their rhetoric, and betray the public they are supposed to serve:

(1) Demonizing“Profits.”From the classroom teacher to the professionally prepared press release, the rhetoric of… Read More

Katy Grimes

CA Lawmakers Create Muslim Appreciation Month; Eradicate Christian Programs


In one of the most contemptibleacts of the year, the California Legislature passed a House Resolution to create and celebrate “Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month,” while at the same time passing legislation to strike down religious freedoms for Christians.

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Bruce Bialosky

California Pension Program Another Government Sham

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It always starts with a bucolic name. Democrats are great at that. This one is “Secure Choice.” It starts with a good concept — people don’t save enough for retirement. But then it puts it in the hands of elected officials and their cronies and, when things go south, they will point fingers at private enterprise and we will bear the cost.

As a financial professional (CPA), I advise all my clients to put money into a pension plan. All professional literature suggests the earlier you put money into a pension the better off you will be later. Even if you are getting social security it will not be enough to support you in your retirement years, and those years are getting to be longer and longer with increased life spans.

John Chiang, California State Treasurer, has been promoting this plan and he even has a website pushing it which is funded with your tax dollars (of course with a picture of his smiling face). Everything on the website is “peaches and cream.”

The one negative he starts with is how many people don’t have pension plans. Of course, he starts with the Big Lie. They have pension plans. They can set up a traditional IRA.… Read More

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