California’s net migration growth is anemic compared to more business friendly states
The Governing website cited below is a great source for stats not usually available. Moreover, the format gives website visitors the ability to custom sort the stats to rank states (click on the column headings) — where illuminating facts can be gleaned.
For instance, recently in a comment section some clueless liberal bragged to me that the Democrat urban Democrat states are where people are moving to, abandoning the more free market, “right to work” Republican leaning states. A quick check at this Governing website disproved this gonzo assertion — big-time.
The migration pattern is not universally consistent either way. For instance, bad weather states tend to lose folks (or grow very slowly) regardless of politics. But that being said, it’s clear that on balance, people are migrating towards (relative) freedom.
For instance, let’s compare the recent migration patterns of my two perennial favorites — California and Texas. Governing uses the TOTAL migration figure — migration between states plus international migration. The figure is the net migration per 1,000 population — a fair way to compare… Read More